Nearly 1 million Covid booster shots have already been administered in the United States
Nurse Mary Ezzat will administer Physer COVID-19 Booster Shot to Jessica M. at the UCI Medical Center in Orange, CA on Thursday, August 19, 2021.
Jeff Gritchen | Media News Group | Orange County Register via Getty Images
Nearly 1 million Covid-19 booster shots have already been administered in the United States since health authorities Allowed management Additional shots of the Pfizer or Modana vaccine on people with weakened immunity on August 12, according to data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
To date, approximately 955,000 fully vaccinated people have been vaccinated with additional Covid vaccines, according to data collected by the CDC.That number includes those who have previously received two doses. Pfizer Also modernVaccine or one vaccination Johnson and JohnsonThe agency said.
It is unknown whether all of those people were considered immunodeficient.
CDC officials do not get a sufficient immune response after two doses of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine when approving booster shots for people with weak immunity, such as cancer, HIV patients, and organ transplant patients. I have cited some small studies that show that. FDA and CDC officials said they did not approve J & J’s booster vaccine earlier this month and are waiting for more data.
Some Americans are already Find a way to get additional doses They were given their own Covid vaccine prior to formal approval, and some vaccines even received additional injections from various companies. This is a technique known as “mixing and matching”.
The CDC and the Food and Drug Administration are currently considering whether to administer booster shots to the general public.
President Joe Biden The U.S. said it plans to distribute Covid booster shots widely From the week of September 20th, FDA and CDC scientists awaiting approval.
The CDC Immunization Implementation Advisory Board discussed the need for boosters on Monday. Limited data to support widespread distribution..
Dr. Helen Keipp Talbot, a voting member of the CDC Advisory Group, told the committee on Monday that many hospitals in the South have already given healthcare workers and patients a third dose.
New Jersey officials said Monday that more than 36,000 additional doses have been given to front-line immunodeficiency healthcare workers and the elderly.
State health commissioner Judy Persicily said the state is trying to further identify those who are eligible for a third dose.
“Nationally, we believe that about 3% of the population is immunodeficient, so we need to analyze these medical records in detail, especially with the care director, to ensure a correct third dose. I’m asking you to identify the individuals who need to be in line. Now, “she said.
– CNBC’s Bob Towey and Nate Rattner contributed to this report.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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