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Colorado reaches 75% vaccination rate and police encourage more vaccinations


Denver-75% of Colorado adults receive a single dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, marking another crucial moment in the fight against the new coronavirus, Governor Jared Polis announced Tuesday. bottom.

Despite the milestone, Governor Police continued to urge uninoculated hesitant Colorado to do so as a highly infectious delta variant. Continues to promote cases and hospitalizations throughout the state..

“This is a crucial moment for our community,” Police said in a prepared statement. “But we need more Colorado to protect their health and the health of their loved ones from this deadly virus. Protect our progress, protect our students’ face-to-face learning, and our Vaccine today to help the economy recover better. “

As of Tuesday, 67.4% of all Coloradans were fully vaccinated. According to the latest state-wide vaccine data, And more than 55% of children aged 12 to 17 years receive at least one dose. According to the Governor’s Office, the state averages about 4,300 vaccinations per day for people over the age of 12. Children under the age of 12 are not yet eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.

“We’re definitely on the right track when it comes to vaccines, but we won’t give up until all the coloradans who may want the vaccine get the vaccine. Now is the time,” said CDPHE Executive Director. Jill Hansakar Ryan said in a prepared statement.

The announcement on Tuesday came eight days after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Full approval Pfizer’s double vaccination paves the way for the COVID-19 vaccine Vaccine obligations for workers in hospitals, elderly housings and other medical facilities Not just Colorado Aurora Public School Staff..

Despite high vaccination rates, both hospitalization and COVID-19 cases continue to increase in Colorado.

As of Monday afternoon, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) confirmed or suspected a new virus that had not been seen since January 17, when the fourth wave of coronavirus had ended. Reported hospitalization.Increased hospitalizations at Colorado hospitals on Friday Reactivate Tier 1 of General Hospital Transfer Center Move patients close to the available bed capacity within the state.

Cases of new viruses have also reached levels that have not been seen since the beginning of the winter solstice. On Monday, Colorado reported more than 3,600 new cases in one day. Colorado last saw a new daily case in early November.

According to CDPHE, the increase in case and hospitalization may be due to the delta mutation, which currently accounts for 96.36% of all Colorado cases. National county level breakdown Police leaves the decision to the local public health agency, but shows that 92.19% of the states have high enough transmission levels to justify indoor masking.

In a prepared statement, CDPHE Chief Medical Officer Dr. Eric France also recommended that Colorado be vaccinated to prevent the spread of the disease, but additional steps taken at the beginning of the pandemic. Should still be practiced by the general public, especially since it helps reduce transmissions Data published by the CDC last week We found that the predominant mutant of Delta reduced the effectiveness of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, which prevent COVID-19 infection, from 91% to 66%.

“Vaccines should be used with other public health guidance, such as washing hands regularly, wearing a mask indoors in public places, and keeping distance from others while on the go. There is, “he said.





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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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