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Is One Vaccine More Powerful Against Delta Variants? – NBC Chicago


With the choice of COVID vaccines that many people now receive, the question of what provides better protection against the proliferation of delta mutations is rising.

Several studies have been done to determine the efficacy of a vaccine, but is one vaccine actually better than the other?

According to medical experts, each of the three vaccines currently available in the United States provides protection.

Here’s a breakdown of what we know about each vaccine.

How effective is the COVID vaccine against delta mutants?

Vaccine efficacy has become a major issue as delta variants continue to spread nationwide.

Health experts say that the majority of hospitalizations and deaths associated with mutations in recent months are almost entirely unvaccinated individuals. According to the CDC, unvaccinated people are eight times more likely to get infected and 25 times more likely to be hospitalized or die.

But is one better than the other in protecting against breakthrough infections in the vaccinated population?

Belgian researchers compared the Pfizer and Modana COVID-19 vaccines directly by testing the antibodies of 2,500 healthcare workers after two doses of both vaccines.

The study found that the Moderna vaccine produced more than twice as much antibody as Pfizer, but doctors warn.

“Although the antibody levels themselves are interesting, they don’t necessarily make a big difference in vaccine performance,” said Dr. Alison Arwadi, Director of Public Health, Chicago.

Another study to consider when comparing vaccines is the Mayo Clinic study earlier this month. Waiting for a complete review.

The study found the risk of suffering Breakthrough COVID-19 infection Delta mutants after complete vaccination with Moderna may be at much lower risk than those who have been vaccinated with Pfizer.

According to a survey, cases of COVID hit a record high in Florida in July. Delta variants are widespreadThe risk of breakthrough cases was 60% lower for Moderna recipients compared to Pfizer recipients.

Similarly, in Minnesota last month, the authors found that the Moderna vaccine (also known as mRNA-1273) was 76% effective in preventing infection, while the Pfizer vaccine (also known as BNT162b2) was. Found to be 42% effective.

The authors of the study found that both vaccines “strongly protect” from serious illness. The difference seems to be whether people get infected at all in the first place. A so-called preprint study, neither peer-reviewed nor published in academic journals, was first published earlier this month.

Chicago has been tracking breakthrough infections (COVID cases reported in fully vaccinated individuals) with the vaccine, but Arwady said he has not found a substantive pattern.

“We saw the most breakthrough infections among Pfizer-acquired Chicago citizens because of the highest number of Pfizer-acquired Chicago citizens, to those who acquired Pfizer and those who acquired Moderna. We haven’t seen a big difference, “says Arwady. ..

When NBC 5 asked the Illinois Public Health Service for a groundbreaking breakdown, spokesman Melaney Arnold said: Like the CDC, IDPH is currently not reporting its breakdown. “

Modana’s double-dose vaccine remains “durable” for six months after the second shot, but the company’s second-quarter It is stated in the slide attached to the financial report of.

According to the company, the vaccine is 93% effective 6 months after the second dose. By comparison, Pfizer and BioNTech said the effectiveness of the vaccine dropped to about 84% after 6 months.

Last month, data showed that the vaccine “produced strong and persistent activity against the rapidly spreading delta and other highly prevalent SARS-CoV-2 virus variants,” Johnson & Johnson reported. Did.

“Current data from the eight months studied so far show that the single-shot Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine produces a strong, undiminished neutralizing antibody response. Rather, over time. Improvements can be seen with this, “Dr. Matamemen’s Global Head Johnson & Johnson R & D Division, Janssen, said in a statement. “In addition, we observe a persistent, particularly robust and durable cell-mediated immune response.”

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Delta, the predominant form of illness in the United States, is more susceptible than common colds, the 1918 Spanish flu, smallpox, Ebola, MERS, and SARS.

Do you need a booster shot?

US health officials now recommend that all Americans receive a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine eight months after receiving a second dose of Pfizer or Moderna.

In a joint statement, directors of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Health and Welfare Services Center, National Institutes of Health, and other major medical professionals outlined plans to begin administering booster shots later next month.

The overall plan is awaiting the Food and Drug Administration’s assessment of the safety and efficacy of the third dose, officials said.

The earliest, fully vaccinated people, including healthcare professionals, nursing home residents, and other seniors, first get a booster shot before it is released to the public.

U.S. regulators already Approved additional dose of Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for people with weakened immunity Early this month. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Advisory Board also recommended additional shots for these individuals.

The announcement applies to millions of Americans who have been vaccinated with the Moderna or Pfizer COVID vaccine and are particularly vulnerable to organ transplants, certain cancers, or other disorders.

According to the CDC, the list includes people who:

  • Receiving aggressive cancer treatment for tumor or blood cancer
  • Taking an organ transplant and taking a drug that suppresses the immune system
  • Have had a stem cell transplant within the last two years or are taking medication to suppress the immune system
  • Moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency (DiGeorge syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, etc.)
  • Advanced or untreated HIV infection
  • Aggressive treatment with high-dose corticosteroids or other drugs that may suppress the immune response

Authorities say, “People should consult with their healthcare providers about their medical condition and whether getting additional doses is appropriate for them.”

People who received the Johnson & Johnson one-shot vaccine are also likely to need booster shots, but the U.S. did not start administration until March 2021, so more information is needed, officials said. Said.

Health officials are hoping to receive more data “in the coming weeks” and will “continue to inform the public about timely plans for J & J booster shots.”

The FDA and CDC approvals and recommendations for immunocompromised individuals do not apply to Johnson and Johnson vaccinated individuals.

With booster shots expected to begin, NBC 5 asked Dr. Richard Novak, director of the Infectious Diseases Department at the University of Illinois School of Health, whether Pfizer patients should be listed first.

“It makes sense to give boosters and target high-risk groups first, based on the limited information we have. People who get Pfizer vs. Moderna are more worried. Whether we need it or not, we still don’t have enough information to say that, “Novak said.

Early guidance still remains, and the CDC recommends completing a full course of the same vaccine without mixing it with the coronavirus vaccine.

What about the side effects of booster shots?

The CDC said the side effects of the third shot were “similar to those of the two-dose series.”

The most common symptoms include malaise and pain at the injection site, but “most symptoms were mild to moderate.”

Like previous doses of the vaccine, the CDC states that “serious side effects are rare but can occur.”

Is the COVID vaccine approved by the FDA?

Monday Food and Drug Administration Approves Pfizer and BioNTech Full US approval Being the first in the United States to obtain the coveted designation of their COVID-19 vaccine.

To date, Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine was on the US market under an emergency use authorization approved by the FDA in December.

Both companies have submitted a biologics license application to the FDA May 7 For patients 16 years and older. The application was approved on Monday.

According to the FDA, the vaccine is also available under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for a third booster immunization for adolescents aged 12 to 15 and those with weakened immunity.

Pfizer is currently the only vaccine fully approved, but Moderna applied for such approval earlier this year, but even the only vaccine permitted for emergency use in adolescents aged 12 to 17 years. I have.

An emergency use authorization allows the vaccine to be made available before full approval in the event of a public health emergency. The FDA can revoke the EUA at any time.

Moderna’s two-shot vaccine and Johnson & Johnson’s single-shot vaccine will continue to be available under an emergency use authorization.

Modana too Announced in June Initiated “rolling submission” to the FDA of data from a double-dose mRNA vaccine study.

“We are pleased to announce this important step in the US regulatory process for the Bioform Approval Application (BLA) for the COVID-19 vaccine,” Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel said in a press release at the time. .. “We look forward to working with the FDA and will continue to submit data from Phase 3 studies to complete the rolling submission.”

Extensive research on Shot continued after Moderna’s emergency permit. The FDA will scrutinize the information to see if the vaccine meets the stringent standards for full approval.





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