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British Columbia’s top doctors do not anticipate an “explosion” of COVID-19 cases after children return to school.


Thousands of children are expected to return to the classroom on September 7, British Columbia, and the state’s top doctors say the number of COVID-19 cases will increase significantly in the days and weeks that follow. He says he didn’t expect it.

At a COVID-19 modeling briefing on Tuesday, state health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said the infection was likely to increase when the child returned to the classroom, but not significantly.

“I don’t think the number of cases of COVID-19 will explode,” she said. “It is absolutely not surprising that we see an increase in cases, and they are related to the communities in which we see an increase in infections within the community.”

According to Henry, British Columbia has about 600,000 children who are not vaccinated, which could change in the coming weeks.

“We expect vaccinations for ages 6 to 11 to come soon, preferably in the fall,” Henry said.

But for the time being, top state doctors have said that anyone with children under the age of 12 or those involved in the school environment should be vaccinated before the New Year begins.

“It’s really important because the risk of your child is directly related to the risk of their family, the adults of their family, and their older siblings,” Henry added. “We are already working with the school board to make the vaccine available in the first few weeks of school.”

Henry also touched on the school’s improved ventilation system during the Tuesday update. She said the state is cooperating with schools around improved ventilation.

“Ventilation is something we’ve been working on from the beginning and every school evaluates it … but the way the virus is transmitted hasn’t changed,” she said. “Last week’s strain and last year’s strain haven’t changed the way they are transmitted. The doses that need to be transmitted have decreased, making the virus more contagious.”

“We have done a lot of work with WorkSafe BC in different workplaces. High-risk workplaces, such as food processing factories with many infections. We have taken various steps, but they are It turns out that it works. Some of them are about ventilation, it’s about barriers, it’s about people’s immunity in their environment, and it’s currently retained.

Change contact notification

During a modeling briefing on Tuesday, Henry said the state would not notify the school when there was a single exposure.

“In the event of a single exposure, we will not notify the school. They will evaluate and notify all individuals at risk, as we do for all infectious diseases. Will be. “

Henry said the feedback received by the state suggests that school-based contact notifications were more harmful than good.

“The majority of people felt that school-based letters were annoying, but informed the school and worked with the school to have the school’s response team in all cases in the school setting. It was confirmed that the contacts were managed, people were informed about what was happening in the school environment, and yes, all clusters or outbreaks were reported. “

Overall, Henry was optimistic that school infections would be limited based on the measures taken and the increase in vaccinations.

“Since last year, we know that the measures we have taken at school mean that there were few infections in the school environment. That’s why we took almost the same measures as last year,” he said. rice field.

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