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Federal government created letterbox in the 1960s and requested AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine


Scott Morrison has intensified his plea for the AstraZeneca vaccine for over 60s, sending hundreds of thousands of letters to unvaccinated people to encourage them to book shots.

The letter, co-signed by Health Minister Greg Hunt and Chief Health Officer Paul Kelly, is addressed to just over 586,000 people between the ages of 60 and 69 who have not recorded their first vaccination. Most of it is in New South Wales. Wales, Victoria, Queensland.

ABC understands that more than 82% of people in that age group took their first dose, and there is a message for as many people as possible in the remaining 18%.

“Expert health advice is very clear. People over the age of 60 are at very high risk of getting a serious illness with COVID-19 and should be vaccinated as soon as possible,” the letter said. I am.

“The recent outbreak of a new, more infectious strain of the COVID-19 virus, with some tragic deaths in Sydney, makes it even more important for Australians over the age of 60 to be vaccinated now. . “

The Commonwealth Labor Party said the opposition still believes that a “strong public health information campaign” is needed to improve vaccination coverage.

“I don’t know if the letter from Scott Morrison was really what I was thinking, or frankly what other experts in the field were thinking,” said Shadow Health Minister Mark Butler. Told.

“Instead, I was thinking of something that would have a stronger effect.”

Scott Morrison stands on the podium in the blue room, and Paul Kelly and Greg Hunt speak to the media beside him.
Scott Morrison (right), Paul Kelly (center), and Greg Hunt (left) co-signed a letter to unvaccinated children aged 60-69.(((

ABC News: Tamara Peniquette


GP dissatisfied with AstraZeneca’s hesitation

Some GPs have rejected the AstraZeneca vaccine because the risk of blood clots is so low that they have complained to people over the age of 60 waiting for Pfizer to become available instead.

Joe Gala, a general practitioner in Werribee, western Melbourne, described the “stubbornness” of a cohort of people over the age of 60 who have not yet been vaccinated.

He said a significant number of patients in that age group have refused to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine due to concerns about blood clots and are waiting for Pfizer to become available.

“Risk of dying from COVID [if they contract the virus] Many of them are high blood pressure, diabetes, overweight and are really at high risk, so they are at least 10 or 20 percent. “

Dr. Gala said the message about AstraZeneca was “terrible” and the vaccine was publicly questioned by health officials and prominent doctors, even though the risk of side effects was very low.

“The evidence that came out of the UK over the weekend is [its efficacy] It may be a better vaccine than Pfizer because it may last longer than Pfizer. “

Dr. Gala also said that people do not regularly ask for Pfizer vaccination appointments and that doctors are scrambling to administer doses to avoid wasting them.

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Tracking the deployment of the Australian COVID-19 vaccine: September 2

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