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“We can get over it”: OPH optimistic about another fall at COVID-19


Case numbers are increasing and the COVID-19 delta variant threatens the fourth pandemic wave, but health officials in Ottawa said things happened this fall when the city returned to school when the children returned to school. I am optimistic that I can manage.

Dr. Bella Etchs said Ottawa “against the trend” In the fall of 2020 COVID-19 When the rate is lowered.

With the vaccine, residents can do it again if they continue to take basic measures such as wearing masks and restricting meetings, Etch’s told reporters Thursday.

“This is a stressful time with the start of school and more requirements, and we know we can overcome this,” she said.

The situation has changed in the last 12 months, she said. There was no vaccine in September last year, and older people were at increased risk of serious illness.

According to Ottawa, the vaccine was effective because it had not reported COVID-related deaths for almost two months. Public dashboard..

A new state model also shows that as of August 27, unvaccinated residents of Ottawa are 15 times more likely to be infected with the virus than unvaccinated people. increase.

Vaccine intake increased after passport announcement

The current focus is to be “kind” to those who have not yet been vaccinated and to help overcome vaccination barriers, she added.

As of Wednesday, 79% of people born before 2009 were fully vaccinated, but 69% of Ottawa’s total population, including children who are not yet vaccinated, are vaccinated with both. ..

If the city continues at its current pace, Ottawa has the potential to achieve the long-stated goals. 90% of the population Etching said it was fully vaccinated by mid-October, but modeling will show that the virus’s resurrection could arrive by the third week of September, so it will be delayed a bit. rice field.

There was some good news at the forefront of vaccines this week as Ontario saw a subsequent increase in appointments. Vaccine passport plan announced, According to the Minister of Health.

Employers were encouraged to adopt vaccination policy

Ottawa Public Health also wants to enact policies that encourage all employers to fully vaccinate their workers in order to raise immunization levels and ensure workplace safety.

For the health unit Published guidelines Companies can use it under their own policies, including setting dates on which workers must provide evidence of vaccination or provide a legitimate medical exemption.

Some local businesses are concerned that staff may interact with unvaccinated civilians, but Etches reports customers to police, as when masks were mandated. I reassured the business owner that I was not asked to do so.

“I ask people to be kind … it takes patience because companies understand how to do this,” Etches said.

Return to class

Community immunization levels are an important factor in what happens when tens of thousands of children return to class this week and next week, and public health authorities closely monitor the situation.

This fall, Etches is even more confident that students will need to attend in person, saying that far fewer people have opted to stay at home and virtually learn.

“Over the last year, there has been more and more evidence of the harm done when children don’t have the opportunity to go to school,” Etch’s said.

The French school board in Ottawa will start classes this week, and the English school board will start next week. (Francis Farland / CBC)

Family should Virus screening According to officials, every day children and parents should seek a COVID-19 test if they have a fever or chills, a cough or barking cough, shortness of breath, or loss of taste or smell.

Takeaway tests will also be rolled out this year at many local schools to facilitate the tests.




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