COVID Update: 70% of 60615s over 12 years of age receive first dose, South Shore is still below 50% | Local News
Residents with zip code 61615, covering the northern half of Hyde Park and southern Kenwood, have joined 35 of the 60 Chicago zip codes, and 70% of residents over the age of 12 have been vaccinated with COVID-19. I am. Covering the South Shore, less than 50% of eligible residents remain one of three vaccinated.
At a press conference on August 31, public health commissioner Allison Arwady said 50% was on the floor. Not enough, but an important first benchmark.
She said the South Shore and two other zip codes have been targeted by quick response teams and Protect Chicago recruiters, spreading information about vaccines home-to-house.
Some information is incorrect. “It’s important to remember that people are always making decisions that they think are best for themselves and their families,” Arwady said. “So they’re reading something, listening to something scaring about the vaccine, or worrying that the vaccine might be worse than the protection it can come from.”
Access is also an issue. Side effects and lack of work remain, especially for low-income earners, Arwadi said.
In the city as a whole, the number of cases per day remains in the “high” range of the city’s risk matrix, while the positive rate of the test is in the “low” range, less than 5%. Both indicators are flat. Arwady suggested that the city’s mask mandate helps stop the spread of the disease. However, the number of beds in both intensive care units and non-ICUs occupied by COVID-19 patients has increased to a “substantial” range.
The majority of vaccinated Chicago citizens are not known to have been infected with the Public Health Service, but a breakthrough case of COVID-19 in vaccinated people is increasing. However, the case rate of vaccinated people did not increase significantly during the spring alpha mutant surge, compared to the case rate of unvaccinated people in the early stages of vaccine deployment. However, the case rate is currently low.
“There is no 100% prophylactic vaccine,” Arwady said. “We see some more of these groundbreaking infections, which imposes an obligation on indoor masks.”
Almost all vaccinated Chicago citizens (99.99%) are not hospitalized with COVID-19.
Unvaccinated Chicago citizens aged 18-59 have the highest case rates. Case rates for children in Chicago remain low, and coronaviruses are less likely to infect children than adults, but children are expected to rise, reflecting community levels.
Over 60% of adult Chicago citizens are first vaccinated, and adolescent vaccinations are increasing at the fastest rate. Almost 59% of 12-17 year olds receive the first dose. The firing rate increased by 15% from early July, averaging more than 4,500 shots a day.
“I really encourage Chicago citizens. If you haven’t made that decision yet, it’s not shameful and no problem, but make a decision now,” Arwadi said. Told. “We want to keep you away from the hospital and not infect others, and the best way to protect yourself and everyone else is to get the vaccine.”
Only two, the Loop ZIP Code and the North Side Lakefront, have vaccinated 80% of eligible residents. Some countries like Denmark have exceeded this threshold, Arwady said, and she goes through it throughout the city because of the effect it has on eradicating community outbreaks. I hope that.
Arwady said there were concerns about the upcoming flu season, as well as the continued need for hospital capacity for COVID-19 patients. She said the COVID-19 booster is likely to be available at the same time as the flu shot, if people so desire.
“We welcome the separation of them, but it’s important that everyone over 6 months get the flu vaccine, which is more important than ever,” she said. “And obviously, if people haven’t received the first dose of the COVID vaccine, that’s most important, and if they receive this recommendation for boosters, they should also receive them.”
Even in the absence of the delta variant, Arwady expected an increase in COVID-19 cases in the fall and winter. But she said she didn’t expect a delta-led surge this summer. The unanswered question is how terrible the surge in the South is, as people stay indoors and in air-conditioned spaces.
Case-positive rates for three of the four Lakefront Mid-South Side zip codes are in the “high” range of Chicago’s COVID-19 risk index from August 22-28 data, at 5%. Is over.
- Covering North Kenwood and Auckland In 2006, 44 out of 913 tests were COVID-19 positive, 5.5% positive, down from 56 last week. The number of tests performed has decreased by 21% and 41.5% of all residents have been fully vaccinated, an increase of 0.4% from the previous week. 51.5% of eligible residents over the age of 12 are fully vaccinated.
- In 20061, 53 out of 1,281 tests were positive, covering northern Hyde Park, southern Kenwood, and northern Washington Park, from 36 in the previous week to a positive rate of 4.4%, as in the previous week. No one died. The number of tests performed increased by 3% and 57.9% of the population was fully vaccinated, an increase of 0.4% from the previous week. 64.9% of eligible residents are vaccinated.
- Covering Southern Hyde Park, Southern Washington Park, and Woodloan In 2006, 79 out of 1,309 tests tested positive with a positive rate of 6% from 75 last week, with no deaths. bottom. The number of tests performed increased by 1% and 41.4% of the residents were fully vaccinated, an increase of 0.4% from the previous week. 48.9% of eligible residents are fully vaccinated.
- In 60649, 66 of the 1,484 tests were positive, 5% positive, up from 40 last week and 2 died. The number of tests performed was flat, with 36.4% of the population fully vaccinated, an increase of 0.5% from the previous week. 42.9% of eligible residents are fully vaccinated.
In the city as a whole, 55.7% of all residents are vaccinated. The figures are current as of September 2nd and can be found at:
The city website for the free COVID-19 test chicagocovidtesting.comFor more information, please visit the following URL: city’s website for vaccine information city’s online platform for vaccine scheduling City operators are available at 312-746-4835 to handle vaccine questions.
Up to 10 people can be vaccinated at home at one time by booking through the Protect Chicago at Home program. Business hours are from 8 am to 6:30 pm on weekdays. Anyone who has been vaccinated (both Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and Johnson & Johnson vaccine are available) will receive a $ 25 Visa gift card. It can be used wherever Visa is accepted.For more information, see 312-746-4835 or
Neighboring pharmacies, including Katsaros Pharmacy, 1521 E. 53rd St., offer walk-in vaccines on a reservation basis. Appointments at Katsaros are available online.
Howard Brown Health offers the COVID-19 vaccine to everyone over the age of 16 and the application is 872-269-3600. Friend Health schedules vaccine reservations at all three locations on the South Side at Vaccines can also be brought in. UChicago Medicine also vaccinates everyone, regardless of the patient’s condition. The schedule number is 1-888-824-0200.
Cook County Government offers vaccine applications at
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