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In New South Wales, the Premier of Victoria lamented an “unvaccinated pandemic,” recording 1,485 cases and three Covid deaths.Australian news


Infants are included in 72 people New South Wales It’s about ventilators in the intensive care unit, as Premier warns that the number of cases in Australia’s most populous state will still increase by two weeks.

Gladys Berejikilian reiterated that vaccination rates peak before the number of people hospitalized in October and need intensive care decreases because they reduce the incidence of serious illnesses.

“This is the most important time for us to deal with the disease,” she told reporters on Sunday.

“All modeling shows that peaks are likely to be here next week or two weeks, and hospitalization and intensive care peaks are likely to be in October.”

NSW recorded 1,485 new cases between 24 hours and 8 pm on Saturday, killing 3 people.

There were 1,030 Covid patients in a hospital in New South Wales. Of these, 175 were in the intensive care unit and 72 needed mechanical ventilation to breathe.

Dr. Jeremy McCanarty, Deputy Chief Health Officer, New South Wales, confirmed that three children were in the intensive care unit. Sydney, Two of them were on ventilators, including babies.

“This is over 2,000 … children are being cared for by a network of children’s hospitals, so unfortunately, in rare cases, people, including children, need intensive care,” he said. rice field.

“Overall, children work very well with Covid-19, but there is always a spectrum of illnesses of all ages.”

As the number of cases continues to grow, more and more people across the state will have access to the vaccine, reducing the incidence of serious illness and allowing the government to consider deregulation, he said. Said that it would be.

“After the next few weeks, we’ll all be more reassured about what to do in October. I’m focusing on 70% double doses. [rate]This guarantees all the freedom that we, vaccinated, enjoy. “

The prime minister said he was confident that the state’s health system could handle the expected surge in hospitalization.

She also said that 40% of New South Wales’ population is now fully vaccinated.

“It’s an incredible milestone we’ve reached, given where we were a few months ago,” Premier said.

in the meantime Victoria We recorded 183 new cases on Sunday, 91% of whom were under 50 years of age.

Victorian Prime Minister Daniel Andrews The state-wide outbreak of Covid was a “unvaccinated pandemic,” he said.

The highly contagious Delta strain is attacking a young cohort that, like the older group, did not have the opportunity to be vaccinated.

“The age breakdown confirms that this is an unvaccinated pandemic,” Andrews said.

In Victoria, 89 cases occurred in hospitals, 24 cases in intensive care units, and 13 cases on mechanical ventilation.

The car will enter the drive-through Covid test site in Brunswick, northern Melbourne.
The car will enter the drive-through Covid test site in Brunswick, northern Melbourne. Photo: Darian Trainer / Getty Images

“Only one person in the hospital is completely vaccinated, which also shows that it is almost certain to avoid a very serious illness if protected by two doses.” Andrews said.

There are 1,714 active cases in Victoria. 216 cases are 0-9 years old. 232 years old is 10-19 years old. 348 is in his twenties. And 245 are in their thirties.

ACT recorded 15 new local cases on Sunday. Of these, 13 were associated with existing cases, 6 were isolated throughout the period of infection, and 7 were part of the period of infection.

ACT Prime Minister Andrew Barr said the restrictions were not set to be relaxed this week. Over 85% of Covid-19 cases of ACT were under 45 years of age.

The majority of people who have recently tested positive wait at least two days after experiencing symptoms before being tested.

More than 70% of the eligible ACT population had been vaccinated at least once, Barr said.

Queensland has recorded a new locally acquired Covid case, the mother of a 4-year-old girl who tested positive on Friday. The mother was isolated.




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