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Colorado coroners say deaths are listed by state because alcohol is involved as related to COVID-19.


Leadership in Montezuma County, southwest Colorado, is angry at deciding to list the 35-year-old dead associated with COVID-19.

Denver — A coroner in Montezuma County, southwestern Colorado, could not believe that it was the result of COVID-19 when the state’s Department of Health concluded the May 4 death in the county.

“I know it’s not right,” George Divers told 9Wants to Know on Thursday. “There is no COVID listed anywhere on the death certificate. It had nothing to do with his death.”

Divers should know. The death certificate he signed this week lists the official cause of death for a 35-year-old man as “ethanol toxicity.”

In other words, Divers said, he died because he drank too much alcohol.

“We did the blood work. The blood work came back at 550. [mg/dL].. More than 300 are deadly, “he said. For clarity, Divers tested the body for COVID after being informed that a man may have had recent contact with a person infected with the virus. The test showed that men actually had COVID-19, but Divers said he was “99.9% confident” that the virus did not cause the death of the man. ..

However, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) does not seem to agree with Diver’s assessment. As of Thursday afternoon, CDPHE’s COVID-19 database lists three COVID-19 deaths in Montezuma County.

There are two websites in Montezuma County. Classify the third as “not due to COVID.”

This is a sign of a growing crack that has plagued county leaders when they were anxious to allow the county to partially reopen restaurants and other businesses.

“They are [CDPHE] Are you still willing to publish it as the third COVID death in Montezuma County? So how can you trust those numbers? “Montezuma County Commissioner Larry Don Sakura said at a Thursday morning meeting.

The county has reasons to be concerned. This week, CDPHE did not accept the county’s request to allow the limited or reopening of businesses that remained closed or severely restricted.

CDPHE Executive Director Jill Hansar Carryan wrote in a letter to the Montezuma County manager on Monday that “reviewers were concerned about the vulnerability in Montezuma County, and they would like to further discuss the situation before considering the differences. I want to monitor it. “

The letter made no mention of the death on May 4 and said ” [of COVID-19 cases] Last 10 days. “

“As you know, New Mexico’s neighboring counties, San Juan and McKinley, have the highest mortality and infection rates in the state,” added Hunsaker Ryan.

Relation: Colorado Coronavirus Latest, May 14

Relation: The first 48 days of a coronavirus pandemic

Diver wants a better explanation, at least than what he got. “I called [CDPHE] Again this morning I left another message. I haven’t heard from them yet. “

Late Thursday afternoon, 9Wants to Know received the following statement from CDPHE:

“We CDC approved definitions COVID-19 cases and deaths developed by Diet members and territorial epidemiologists. These criteria help ensure that our comparison is “apple to apple”.

Here’s how to classify deaths according to the CDC’s nationally accepted criteria:

We classify confirmed deaths if there are cases that are positive for the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) test and subsequently die. It also classifies some deaths as possible. You can find the perfect criteria for that Our website In “About the Data”, the point is that there must be strong epidemiological evidence of COVID-19, including a combination of close contact with confirmed cases and the symptoms of COVID-19. COVID-19 deaths are also counted if “COVID-19” is listed as the cause of death on the death certificate, although it has not been tested positive by clinical tests.

If a person is listed as a COVID-19 patient, it is nationally reported that the hospital is eligible to get more funding, but this case is because this man has never been treated in the hospital. Not classified in that category.

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