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NSW records 1,485 new locally acquired COVID-19 cases, 3 deaths


NSW identified 1,485 new COVID-19 cases acquired locally, killing three people in the 24 hours until 8 pm yesterday.

Gladys Berejikrian welcomed a new milestone in the state, and 40% of the population was fully vaccinated.

“We expect case peaks to occur in the coming weeks, but it’s important to remember that reaching twice the dose of 70% can predict a much better life in New South Wales. There is, “she said.

Currently, 1,030 people are infected with the virus, including 175 in the intensive care unit.

72 of them need ventilation.

The Prime Minister said this week he would announce health modeling including predicted peaks of cases, hospitalizations and intensive care.

“All modeling shows that peaks are likely to be here next week or two weeks, and hospitalization and intensive care peaks are likely to be in October,” she said.

“We know that the number of cases will increase in the coming weeks, but what we don’t want to see is intervening at the wrong time, causing a surge in cases and retreating us.”

A woman in her 50s from western Sydney who received a single dose of the COVID-19 vaccine died at Blacktown Hospital.

A woman in her 70s in southwestern Sydney died at Campbelltown Hospital, and a man in her 70s in southwestern Sydney died at Liverpool Hospital.

They were not vaccinated.

The prime minister said that if 80% of the population were vaccinated twice with the COVID vaccine, their lives would be better.

She promised that the state would never block the entire state again after these rates were achieved.

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NSW Premier describes the freedom available at a double dose rate of 70%

However, she warned that cases and hospitalization rates would rise in the coming weeks and that New South Wales residents would still need to comply with public health orders.

One night, NSW Health confirms that three children with COVID-19 are in the intensive care unit..

A spokeswoman for the Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (SCHN) said infants, 9 and 12 year olds, are in basic health but are being cared for for COVID.

The children are not from the same family.

Jeremy McNulty of NSW Health said SCNN is currently supporting more than 2,000 children with COVID-19.

“Overall, children are doing very well with COVID-19, but there is always a range of illnesses of all ages,” he said.

How fast does COVID spread by zip code?

In New South Wales, a region where health authorities are concerned about the high rates of indigenous communities, the western New South Wales health district recorded 32 new cases, bringing the total number of cases in the region to 791. ..

There were 23 in Dubbo, two in Orange and Brainy, and one in Narromine and Cabonne.

At the westernmost tip of New South Wales, there are one case each in Broken Hill and Wilcannia and two cases in Balanardo, but we are investigating the possibility of false positives.

A fragment of the virus was detected overnight in Byron Bay, and authorities have recently seen Tamworth and Glenines of the Hunter New England Local Health District (LHD), Cooma, southern New South Wales, and West Kempney of the Mid North Coast LHD. I am also concerned about the discovery.

NSW Health said there were 27,984 locally acquired cases since June 16, when the first case of this outbreak was reported.

We tested 46,502 COVID-19 vaccines and 115,495 for 24 hours until 8 pm last night.

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Are Chinese vaccines effective?

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