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Importance of influenza vaccine in children


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Pediatricians say children may not currently have strong immunity to the flu because of the relatively mild flu season last year.Fat Camera / Getty Images
  • Pediatricians are urging parents to get their children vaccinated against the flu as soon as possible.
  • They say this is especially true as the number of cases of influenza has dropped significantly last year and children may not have much increased immunity to the flu.
  • They also state that the recent surge in COVID-19 cases is straining medical services that are usually reserved for children suffering from a serious illness with the flu.

Health officials are urging parents and guardians to vaccinate against the flu amid concerns about the “epidemic” of COVID-19 and the flu.

today, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) This fall, we issued a policy statement recommending that all children over the age of 6 months be vaccinated against the flu.

“It is important to remember that during the COVID-19 pandemic, influenza is also a highly contagious respiratory virus, which can cause serious illness and even death in children.” Dr. Flower Munoz, Associate Professor at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas, and lead author of the Policy Statement, Press release..

“The influenza vaccine is safe and effective and can be given with other regular immunizations and the COVID-19 vaccine,” Munoz added.

According to AAP guidelines, children can be vaccinated against the flu via either intramuscular injections or nasal drops.

Dr. Dean A. BloombergHead of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at the University of California, Davis, said both options are effective in preventing serious illnesses caused by the flu.

“Influenza vaccines contain certain parts of the influenza virus. The immune system responds to the inactivated virus by forming an immune response, an antibody response, and a cell-mediated immune response, thus becoming a real virus. When challenged, the immune system is prepared to repel it and completely prevent the infection. If it’s a breakthrough infection, it’s milder than otherwise, “he told Healthline.

“Nasal sprays work as well. It’s a weakened form of the flu virus that the immune system recognizes and sprays into the primed nose, fighting infections when challenged in the future. I can.

“Some people may prefer nasal sprays because they are not injections, which is an advantage. On the other hand, some people dislike nasal sprays because they don’t like stuffy noses,” Branberg said. Mr. says.

Since 2004, the number of children killed by influenza has been 37 to 199 deaths Every season of influenza.

During the 2017-18 flu season, 188 children died of the flu. 144 children died in the 2018-19 season and 199 children died in the 2019-20 season.

Studies show that the majority of flu-related deaths are in children who have not been vaccinated against the flu.

“Over the years, over 80% of these flu deaths were unvaccinated and half were normal, healthy children. Of course, the other half were the basis for being susceptible to the virus. They were children with illness. ” Dr. William SchaffnerAn infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee told Healthline.

Children under the age of 5 are at a particularly high risk of influenza complications. These include exacerbations of conditions such as pneumonia, sinus problems, brain dysfunction, dehydration, and asthma.

Bloomberg said children could be particularly at risk this year due to the low flu epidemic in the area last year’s flu season.

“Children may be more susceptible to the flu this year just because they weren’t infected with the flu last year. Last year, pandemic restrictions reduced the flu epidemic, giving them the opportunity to develop immunity to the flu. I don’t think it was, “he explained.

AAP officials Recommended Children between the ages of 12 and 17 are vaccinated against COVID-19.

Children with acute, moderate, or severe COVID-19 will have to wait until they recover to get the flu vaccine, while children with only mild COVID-19 will be vaccinated against the flu. You can receive it.

Blumberg argues that COVID-19 shots should be prioritized at this stage of the year.

“Currently, there is little influenza activity and the prevalence of COVID-19 is known to be relatively high. COVID-19 is more severe than influenza, so the COVID-19 vaccine is given to children targeted for vaccination. We give priority to inoculating flu, “he said.

“That said, there’s no reason not to get both. You can get both at the same time and get over it,” Blumberg added.

AAP officials say protecting children from the flu is especially important this year as paramedics and beds are reaching capacity in many parts of the country.

Schaffner said COVID-19 and the flu could be a problem if they clash this fall.

“Anyone I know who runs a hospital and is part of the infectious disease community for both children and adults could have a predicted twin epidemic this season that didn’t happen last year. I am very worried that it will be very expensive, “he said. Both influenza and the COVID-19 virus, especially the Delta variant, have spread to our community and place a heavy burden on healthcare facilities. “

According to Schaffner, the pandemic has already put a strain on medical facilities in Tennessee.

“There are children’s hospitals in my state. All of them have seen a surge in hospitalizations from the COVID-19 virus,” Schaffner said.

“In states like me, where children are already infected with the virus and vaccination rates remain very low, COVID-19 is expected to continue to be a problem from autumn to winter. The flu is coming.

“Patient care can certainly be very tense for hospital facilities and the people who work there,” he said.





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