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Thursday’s COVID-19 Update: 43 in Tuolumne County, 19 in Calaveras County | News


There were 43 new COVID-19 cases in Tuolumne County and 19 new coronavirus cases in Calaveras County on Thursday.

Dr. Stephanie Stuart, Physician and Head of Medical Staff in the Emergency Department of Adventist Health Sonora and its outpatient clinics, said she and her emergency colleagues have more than 30 potential COVID-19 patients per day. I presume that you are seeing. Most show respiratory symptoms, dyspnea, cough, or hypoxic levels. For more information on Stuart and her efforts to combat the false information of COVID-19, see the print version of the Union Democrats on Friday.

Since August 1, at least 23 COVID-19 deaths have occurred in Tuolumne County, and eight coronavirus deaths have been counted in Calaveras during the same period.

COVID-19 contributed to the deaths of 96 people in Tuolumne County as of Thursday. The total includes at least 23 coronavirus deaths since August 1, including individuals in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. Two of the 96 people who died of COVID-19 were vaccinated. The other 94 were unvaccinated.

Calaveras County has recorded 66 deaths from the coronavirus since the pandemic began early last year.

Of the 43 new cases in Tuolumne County on Thursday, 6 were vaccinated with COVID-19. As of Thursday, there were 258 active cases in Tuolumne County, and 14 COVID-positive individuals were hospitalized.

A new case in Tuolumne County on Thursday was identified as two girls and three boys under the age of 12. Three girls and six boys between the ages of 12 and 17. Five women and one man between the ages of 18 and 29. 4 women and 2 men in their 30s. Five women and four men in their 40s. One woman and one man in their 50s. Four women in their 60s. And two women in their 80s.

“As a reminder, the symptoms of COVID-19 can be dismissed as allergies, colds, wildfire smoke irritation, indigestion, etc.,” the Tuolmi County Public Health Service said in an update.

People experiencing new or worsening symptoms should be tested immediately and avoid close contact with others while waiting for test results, even if it is just one of the symptoms. there is. Symptoms include fever and chills, shortness of breath and dyspnea, cough, fatigue, headache, muscle and body pain, loss of taste and odor, sore throat, congestion, nasal discharge, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. If you have more serious symptoms such as chest pain or tightness, dyspnea, bluish lips or face, sudden confusion, dizziness, or difficulty getting up, you should contact your healthcare provider or emergency health care provider. there is.

If the County Public Health Service chooses to help delay the spread of COVID-19, “it will help protect you, your family, and your community,” the Tuolumne County Public Health Service said Thursday. rice field. “We all need to work together to delay the spread of COVID-19. We strongly encourage everyone to participate in the solution and answer the phone. The COVID-19 test results returned positive. You may have received a call from the health department to let you know that you are in close contact with the person who owns it. “

The Tuolumne County Public Service also shared a one-minute YouTube video produced by the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last week.Watch the video at online.

Tuolumne County Public Health continued on Thursday urging everyone eligible to be vaccinated. The most important step that people can take to reduce the spread of illness, prevent serious illness and death, and reduce the impact on the local health system is to be fully vaccinated.

Anyone over the age of 12 is eligible for the COVID vaccine. Individuals can register for upcoming clinic notifications on MyTurn and schedule appointments. Alternatively, call (833) 422-4255. For more information on different ways to get vaccinated in Tuolumne County, please visit: online.

Tuolumne County’s largest test site in Sonora’s Mother Road Fairgrounds is supposed to be open for testing seven days a week. The test site is operated by Logistics Health Incorporated, a subsidiary of OptimServe, a federal medical services contractor paid by California. Testing at the Chuolam Veterans Memorial is no longer available.

You can schedule your test appointments online at or by calling (888) 634-1123. If you are symptomatic, you can also have your test done through the Adventist Health Rapid Care and the hospital’s emergency department.

Full vaccination continues to significantly reduce the risk of illness, hospitalization, and death from COVID-19, the Tuolmi County Public Health Service said Thursday.

“Public health continues to strongly encourage everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated, as we continue to experience a very high proportion of new cases every day,” Tuolumne County Public Health said Thursday. I did.

According to the Public Health Service, wearing masks in public, keeping social distances, avoiding crowds, washing hands, and staying home when sick can slow the spread of the virus.

“If the test is positive, quarantine at home. The public health team will contact you as soon as possible,” the agency said Thursday.

If you need to take a test: 5 days after your trip, or close contact with someone outside your family. As soon as symptoms occur; and / or every 14-28 days if working with the general public on a regular basis.

Tests are available below.

• Local health care provider.

• Adventist Health Sonora, first call: (209) 536-5166;

• Mother Road Fairgrounds, 220 Southgate Drive, Sonora — 7 AM to 7 PM, 7 days a week.Appointments are recommended and can be scheduled at Or call (888) 634-1123.

• Twain Heart Pharmacy: Call (209) 586-3225 for information and reservations.

• Groveland Pharmacy: Call (209) 962-5211 for information and bookings.





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