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Queensland does not record new cases of COVID-19


No new cases of COVID-19 have been recorded in Queensland.

“This is the best result we can expect,” said Deputy Prime Minister Steven Miles.

Chief Health Officer Janet Young confirmed that the outbreak came from New South Wales.

Dr. Young said he had informed Heath, Queensland about a third truck driver infected while New South Wales was in the Queensland community.

“New South Wales has informed us about another positive truck driver who was in the Queensland community during the infection,” she said.

“Two of the three gentlemen who crossed the border from New South Wales to Queensland went with the family and were confirmed to have stayed … Yesterday, two of the three were positive. It was confirmed that there is.

“This truck driver came to Queensland during the infection and traveled to Brisbane on September 7th and 8th, so all we have to do is check the location of the truck driver’s exposure,” she said. rice field.

One of the three cross-borders infected a family of five who tested positive yesterday.

She said that all cross-border people had the proper paperwork.

“They crossed the border with the right path. I understand that the police are watching it, but I understand that everything is protected, but more work is being done by the police. increase.

“I am now convinced that the virus has invaded Queensland and infected five people.

“But these two had minimal exposure in Queensland.

“So they weren’t around, so that’s good news.”

Dr. Young said she was “not particularly worried,” but called on the Gold Coast community to be vigilant.

“One of them stayed in the house where his father lived, and he went elsewhere.

“That’s why people living on the Gold Coast [need to be vigilant]..

“I think the messages from these were minimal exposure from those two that people just need to be careful,” she said.

The Chief Health Officer praised the Queen’s Landers for being inspected.

“But that’s really, really important … we’re seeing these ongoing intrusions … and if everyone does what they’ve done, we’ll get over this.”

Miles warned that Queenslander hadn’t left the forest yet.

“We need to keep an eye on the situation, especially south of the river,” he said.

The deputy prime minister said cross-border men were being investigated.

“It’s the borders that keep us safe now, and we need to do everything we can to make them as strong as possible … police will investigate those situations,” Miles said. Said.

“There are penalties for people who violate border restrictions.”

Dr. Young said he hoped the cluster wouldn’t spread, but couldn’t say that Queensland had fought off a major outbreak.

“It’s too early to say that, but I sincerely hope we do, because Queenslander did everything right,” she said.

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Play the video.Time: 4 minutes 45 seconds

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Dr. Young has announced another overseas acquisition in Townsville.

“There was a miner working in West Africa, returning from West Africa and returning to Charter Towers and Townsville to test positive, but I’m very convinced that this is a historic case.” She said.

Dr. Young said investigations into the case continued and he was being tested again.

Vaccinations required for health workers in Queensland

Health Minister Yvette D’Ath has announced that all health care workers in Queensland will be required to receive COVID vaccination.

“Today we announced that we require vaccinations for all health care workers working in hospitals. [across] The entire state of Queensland. “

Ms. D’Ath said all medical professionals should be vaccinated at least once by September 30 and fully vaccinated by the end of October.

“80% of our employer’s health care managers, clerks, security guards, cleaners, nurses and doctors have already received a single full dose, and 73% of the total workforce is full. Have been vaccinated against … but we know we need to go further. “

She said she was confident that she could reach her goal because the majority of health care workers have already been vaccinated.

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Play the video.Time: 3 minutes 59 seconds

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Dr. Young urged Queenslander to follow restrictions and continue to take precautions such as proper social distance and wearing masks.

“Everyone will be vaccinated soon, so it doesn’t have to be that long. Stay tuned and get vaccinated,” she said.

Yesterday, more than 18,000 doses were given in Queensland.

“Thank you for coming over 18,000 people. That’s a great result. [and] I am looking forward to another big day today. In fact, we’re offering vaccinations at the NRL match in Rockhampton today, so let’s see how many football fans come forward and get vaccinated, “said Health Minister Ibet Darth. rice field.

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