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NHS England Announces Large-Scale Trial for Potential Early Cancer Screening | Cancer Research


NS NHS Has launched the world’s largest test of a blood test that has the potential to change the game, with the goal of detecting more than 50 types of cancer before symptoms appear.

More than 100,000 volunteers have been sought to provide blood samples at mobile testing clinics across the UK since Monday, assessing how well the testing works in medical services. ..

NS Gallery testIs already available in the United States, but by picking up fragments of DNA that are released from the tumor into the bloodstream, cancers that are difficult to detect early can be found. Among them are cancers of the lungs, intestines, pancreas, throat, and head and neck.

If the tumor is detected at the earliest stage, the patient usually has more treatment options and is 5 to 10 times more likely to survive than the patient detected at the most advanced stage 4.

Amanda Pritchard, CEO of NHS England, said quick and easy tests “may mark the beginning of a revolution in cancer detection and treatment” and that three-quarters of cancers will be detected early in medical services. He said he played a big role in his ambitions. The stage where they are easy to handle.

The NHS has sent letters to 140,000 people aged 50-77 with different ethnic backgrounds, calling for their participation in the trial. Participants who should not have been diagnosed with cancer in the last three years will be asked to provide their first blood sample at a mobile testing clinic and to provide more samples one and two years later.

To see if this test helps doctors identify cancer early, half of the study participants will immediately screen blood samples with a Garelli test, and the other half will be for potential future tests. Store blood in.

Participants are advised to continue their regular NHS screening appointments and continue to contact their GP if they notice any new or abnormal symptoms. A minority of people who are found to have signs of cancer in their blood will be referred to the NHS hospital for further examination.

The study is being conducted through eight NHS cancer alliances covering Cheshire and Merseyside, Cumbria, Manchester, Northeast, West Midlands, East Midlands, East England, Kent and Medway, and Southeast London. If the first expected results by 2023 are successful, the NHS aims to open the test to an additional 1 million people in 2024 and 2025.

Previous research For stage 1 to 3 tumors, the Galleri test detected about two-thirds of cancer deaths in the United Kingdom and the United States, and 67% of 12 pre-designated cancers, which account for about 41% of all cancers. rice field.

“Garelli tests need to be carefully studied to see if they can significantly reduce the number of cancers diagnosed late in life,” he said. cancer Study Cancer Prevention Trial Units in the United Kingdom and King’s College London.

“This test could be a breakthrough for early detection of cancer and we are excited to lead this important study. Cancer screening treats cancer well. Cancer can be detected early when it is likely, but not all types of screening work. “




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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