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Doctors are wary of a “twindemic” due to the duplication of COVID-19 and the flu surge

Doctors are wary of a “twindemic” due to the duplication of COVID-19 and the flu surge


Every year, doctors struggle to convince people who just want to get the flu vaccine.

The widespread “vaccine fatigue” caused by the non-stop talks and warnings surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine makes them worried that it will be more difficult this year.

They also warn that it can have serious consequences. Last year’s influenza season resulted in a record number of cases due to all home and other measures taken to limit the spread of COVID-19.

However, this year’s flu season could be consistent with more face-to-face interactions with people who are confident in their prevention with the COVID-19 vaccine but are not vigilant against the flu.

Dr. Robert Trenon, a family doctor at Penn State Health, said:

With that in mind, and with the flu season imminent, healthcare providers are urging people to get flu shots now.

Influenza causes an average of about 36,000 deaths in the United States. It also enrolls more hospitals and sometimes burdens them.

Currently, the summer surge in COVID-19 has recently pushed hospitals to their limits in many parts of the country. These days, some Idaho hospitals are stressed enough to have to be distributed to intensive care units and are providing them to those who are most likely to recover. ..

If COVID-19 stays high this winter and influenza cases surge in most or all of the country, hospital beds could be widespread, Lennon said.

“As [former] Military doctors, we are planning something like that, but that’s not what you want to see everywhere, “he said.

The best way to prevent it is to get the flu vaccine. This is recommended for most people over 6 months.

The COVID-19 pandemic further affected common illnesses.

During spring and summer, doctors saw a surge in respiratory syncytial virus. This causes cold-like symptoms and is common in children. However, the symptoms of RSV can be more severe and can pose a serious threat to infants and the elderly.

RSV is usually found in winter. Lennon believes that confused social patterns are responsible for the unusual timing of recent incidents.

He also believes that timing may change for other illnesses, including the flu. That means doctors and parents need to be especially careful when dealing with symptoms that may appear out of season.

For example, parents need to be aware of the potential for RSV and be careful not to underestimate the situation if their child looks like an unusually severe cold during warm weather.

He advises his parents, “If you have any doubts, there is no doubt.”

“If you wonder if my child should see a doctor, the answer is yes,” he said. “I tell the patient the same thing about ER. If that comes to mind,” maybe I should go to the emergency room “, it’s probably a good idea to go there. “

Healthcare providers in central Pennsylvania are already supplied with the flu vaccine and are now available in pharmacies and major retailers.

Influenza cases usually begin in October in Pennsylvania and peak in midwinter, following Christmas and the New Year holidays.

Doctors advise Pennsylvanians to be vaccinated by October 1.

Now is the time to get vaccinated, as it will take two weeks for vaccine prevention to be fully enhanced, Lennon said.

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