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Queensland is a student at Sunnybank School and has recorded a new case of COVID-19 acquired locally.


In Queensland, a new case of locally acquired COVID-19 has been recorded and tested positive after a 15-year-old high school girl entered home quarantine.

This is related to a cluster that began when a 13-year-old girl attending St. Thomas More College in Sunnybank, south of Brisbane, tested positive for the Delta variant last week.

Currently, four households connected to the school have positive cases.

Queensland Prime Minister Anastasia Parasek said she was not worried about the latest incident.

“We’re not worried about this at all because it’s linked to that Sunny Bank cluster,” she said.

She thanked more than 1,000 families who have been quarantined after being linked to the cluster.

“I’m absolutely right and I’m very grateful to all the families at home. You keep Queenslander safe,” she said.

One case was also detected in the hotel quarantine.

Over 13,000 tests have been conducted in the last 24 hours.

The Prime Minister said 56.68 percent of eligible Queenslanders received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, while 38.33 percent were completely vaccinated.

Janet Young, Chief Health Officer of Queensland, talks about COVID-19 in Congressional precincts
Janet Young, Chief Health Officer of Queensland, says she is confident that the cluster is in control.(((

ABC news


Janet Young, Chief Health Officer, said the discovery of the incident in quarantine was good news.

“It looks like it’s thanks to great contact tracing work and great work done by the family who was able to control this outbreak very quickly, but another case could come to Queensland at any time. We know that we have sex, “she said. ..

Dr. Young urged Queenslander to continue doing the right thing.

“Everyone should keep doing the job, get ahead and take the test for any symptom, with only the minor and most minor symptoms,” she said.

The prime minister said that 9,000 vaccinations were given to children yesterday after children aged 12 to 15 were eligible to be vaccinated with jabs.

“If you are a parent, are in that age group, and have children who are currently qualified … I urge you to go ahead and do this, it’s happening all over the world.” She said.

Announcing a support package for companies affected by borders and blockages

Ms. Paraschuk also announced that the state and federal governments have signed a $ 54.55 million support package contract.

“We support not only tourism operators throughout Queensland, which are severely affected by the ongoing blockades in New South Wales and Victoria, but also borderline businesses,” she told Congress. ..

The financial package includes:

  • $ 6.3 million to extend the existing COVID-19 Business Support Grant Program
  • For $ 6.5 million, we will provide a one-time difficulty scheme grant of $ 5,000 for corporate employment and $ 1,000 for single traders.
  • Up to $ 1 million to fund the campaigns offered by the Council and the Destination Gold Coast, encouraging the Gold Coast to support border businesses
  • $ 50,000 to support marketing campaigns in Coolangatta
  • $ 700,000 for additional mental health support for border business owners and their families
  • $ 40 million in tourism and hospitality sector hardship program to provide one-time grants of up to $ 50,000 to companies whose sales have declined by at least 70% since July

Thousands of vehicles intercepted at the Queensland border

Deputy Police Secretary Steve Gorshuski said yesterday that more than 8,000 vehicles had been intercepted at the Queensland border.

“We saw an increase in numbers … a total of 248 people improved yesterday,” he said.

“The reminder is to make sure everyone, especially the cross-border zone, has the correct path before arriving at the border.”

The Deputy Secretary said there was a 19 minute delay at M1 and less than 5 minutes at all other intersections.

Deputy Secretary Gollschewski said 356 proceedings had been filed for entry into Queensland.

“97 people were quarantined, 44 immigrated, 37 returned to Queenslander, and 9 were denied entry,” he said.

Deputy Secretary of State Gorshusky said those returning to Queensland must comply with the new border requirements in force.

He said some had arrived before the application process was completed and urged people to work with the police on this issue.

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Occurrence: How Australia lost control of the Delta variant

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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