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How to use nutrient seeds for healthy heart, skin and body joints? | Most Searched Products


Nutritional seeds such as chia seeds, flax seeds, and sunflower seeds are very rich in protein and fiber, along with fatty acids that are good for heart health, immune system function, and blood vessel maintenance. These seeds are also rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, both of which are important for a healthy heart and avoid heart-related conditions. Nutrient seeds are also known for maintaining bones and muscles that provide stronger joints in the body.
In addition to these, nutritional seeds are also rich in some important minerals. These minerals include magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. These seeds are also rich in niacin, riboflavin and folic acid.

The human body does not produce the fatty acids needed for heart health, and acids are absorbed from the diet. A diet containing nutrients such as flaxseed and sunflower seeds maintains a balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.


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Other benefits of nutrition seeds
Advanced research on the benefits of vegetative seeds has shown that these seeds help protect the brain in some way. Brain-related illnesses are often Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, neuropathic pain, and childhood seizure disorders.

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are known for their unique benefits to the heart. These seeds help control inflammation.

digestion: Seeds are very fiber-rich and really help people suffering from bowel-related problems such as stomach and constipation.

Lower cholesterol levels: These seeds are known to reduce bad cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which prevent heart attack and other heart diseases.

Weight management: Fiber-rich seeds give you a feeling of fullness and reduce your food and calorie intake.

Improves insulin sensitivity: The ability to not transport glucose to various cells in the body is called diabetes. Studies have shown that flaxseed may be beneficial in helping with this situation.

Buy chia seeds here
Buy Omega 3 Fatty Acid Supplements Here:

How to use nutritional seeds in your diet?

Sprinkle seeds on cereal and yogurt
Add these seeds to the smoothie
Bake bread and cakes with these seeds
Sprinkle raw on salad with other seeds and nuts
Buy nutritional powder or milk

Step 1: Sprinkle seeds on cereal and yogurt

The easiest way to add seeds to your diet is to sprinkle them on yogurt. You can also use plain yogurt or flavored yogurt. All you have to do is get a cup full of yogurt in the morning or at lunch and sprinkle them with these seeds.

One tablespoon of these seeds is equivalent to 8% fiber intake on your day. Dietary fiber intake can help with problems related to the stomach. These seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids that make them healthy for heart and hair strength. Alpha-linolenic acid in seeds is beneficial in promoting healthier skin.

Step 2: Add these seeds to your smoothie

Home fruit smoothies are refreshing, fresh and nutritious. You can blend these seeds while making a smoothie or sprinkle it as a smoothie topping. Serving a smoothie just before breakfast or bedtime has additional benefits.

These natural basil seeds contain more fiber and protein than chia seeds. Naturally cultivated seeds are rich in antioxidants, proteins and other nutrients needed for a healthy life. These seeds can be added to ice cream, yogurt, smoothies and more. Seeds are rich in digestive enzymes that aid metabolism. Seeds contain omega 3 oil, which is essential for heart health.

Get it here:Get more subja seeds here: Get a nutritious seed packet here:

Get Chia Seeds here:
Step 3: Bake bread and cake with these seeds
Multi-grain bread is becoming more popular. If you bake bread or cakes at home, add these seeds for your guilty joy and health benefits. Add these seeds in the same way you add other seeds, nuts and grains.

These sunflower seeds are very rich in vitamin E. As already mentioned, Vitamin E helps prevent cardiovascular problems. It is most often used as a temporary snack that can reduce your food and calorie intake and lose weight. These seeds contain tryptophan, which helps the nervous system and helps escape insomnia. These seeds also keep the cells inside the skin healthy by preventing the invasion of pathogens by the skin.

Buy other nutritional seeds here, such as flax seeds and chia seeds.

read more: Raw chia seeds perfect for breakfast, pudding and smoothies

Get flax seeds here:

read more: Flaxseed: Enjoy the health benefits of these raw and roasted seeds

Step 4: Sprinkle raw on salad with other seeds and nuts
Want a healthy diet? Want to add more health benefits to your diet? Sprinkle these raw seeds on salads, quinoa, etc. to enhance your health benefits.

These are 100% natural and healthy unroasted seeds. These seeds can be used in multiple foods. It can also be used for desserts, ice cream, smoothies and more. Use these seeds for hair strength, shiny skin, etc.

Step 5: Buy nutritional powder or nutritional milk

You can also buy nutritional powder and milk. These also have the same health benefits as raw seeds.

This flaxseed oil is rich in omega 3, 6 and 9 and is a rich source of nutrition for improving heart health. This is pure vegetarian oil. Those who do not like taking omega 3 capsules can choose this oil.

This oil does not contain cholesterol and trans fats. It was obtained by a hard press technique of petroleum extraction that helps it maintain its nutritional value. The extracted sunflower is organically grown without the use of synthetic pesticides. It is also an oil that does not contain preservatives.

Get flax seeds here:
Buy more sunflower oil:

Other FAQ

  1. What does flaxseed do to the blood arteries?
    Flux seeds help clear arterial blockages that ensure proper blood flow. These seeds also contain omega 3 fatty acids that help reduce inflammation and relieve high blood pressure.
  2. Is Subja Seed Suitable for Hair Growth?
    Yes, subja seeds are good for hair growth. These seeds contain iron, vitamin K, and protein to lengthen and strengthen hair.
  3. Can I take sunflower seeds daily?
    Yes, you can have sunflower seeds every day. They are nutritious and have many health benefits. Served early in the morning.

Disclaimer: The Times of India journalist was not involved in the production of this article.





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