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The spotlight is on how Chicago hospitals treat COVID-19 – NBC Chicago


After the death of a COVID patient in Chicago Discussion surrounding the use of the drug Ibermectin, NBC 5 is considering treatments currently used in local hospitals.

Dr. Benjamin Singer of Northwestern Medicine states that treatment is determined among the treating physician, the patient, and their family.

“At Northwestern University, we have very high standards for the administration of potentially harmful drugs,” said Singer, the physician in charge of medical and COVIDICU at the Northwestern Memorial Hospital. “Ivermectin is highly classified in a category where there is no evidence to help people with COVID-19. At the same time, there is evidence that the doses that may be needed can be safely used, especially in people sick in the ICU. Insufficient. “”

Ivermectin FDA approval It is intended to treat some infections caused by parasites, but its use in the prevention or treatment of COVID-19, the virus caused by SARS-CoV-2, has not been approved.

“There is not enough evidence to be widely used in another condition for patients with very different illnesses and very illnesses, just because the drug works in one condition and is safe in another condition,” Singer said. I have.

Northwestern Medicine offers the use of monoclonal antibodies, which are laboratory-made molecules that act as alternative antibodies. FDA Emergency use authorization.

Dr. Allsion Arwady, Chicago Public Health Commissioner, said monoclonal antibodies are one of the best treatments available to qualified individuals.

“Monclonal antibodies are a very early treatment available when someone is infected with COVID and is at very high risk of getting sick, hospitalized, or dying from COVID.” Said Arwady.

Rush University Medical Center, Cook County Health, Advocate Aurora Health and UI Health are also currently using monoclonal antibodies to treat early illnesses.

All five medical systems, including the northwest, also use remdesivir, an antiviral drug fully approved by the FDA, for hospitalized but non-life-supporting patients. Steroids such as dexamethasone are used in the most severely ill patients who require mechanical ventilation or ECMO.

“Most of this depends on where they are in the course of their illness,” said Dr. Singer.

In response to NBC5’s request for the use of COVID-19 ivermectin and other treatments, Rush said, “We have been developing and updating treatment guidelines since March 2020.”

“When we make changes, it’s based on new research, data, literature searches, and we use NIH guidelines that are updated regularly,” Rush continued in a statement.

Cook County Health told NBC5, “Ivermectin is not part of Cook County Health’s COVID-19 treatment guidelines and has never been within that range. Currently, sufficient data to prove it as an effective treatment option. Has been approved for use by the Food and Drug Administration. “

Aurora Health advocates have issued prescription warnings to all physicians who have strengthened the recommendations of the FDA, CDC, and the National Institutes of Health and Infectious Diseases for the use of ivermectin in humans for the treatment of COVID-19 infections. There is also support for physicians who deny all patients’ demands for ivermectin for COVID-19 infection, based on evidence-based prescribing practices. “

Dr. Singer acknowledged the need for more treatment options and stated that the current drug could be reused in the future, but emphasized the need for more testing.

“We need proof to use them. We need strong, safe and effective data,” says Singer.

Many health authorities agree that the best treatment is still prevention.

“The best way to reduce the risk of serious illness is to get vaccinated,” said Dr. Isaac Guinai, chief inspector at the Chicago Public Health Service.





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