Vaping associated with increased risk of eating disorders in U.S. college students
Recent studies have linked recent vaporization and e-cigarette use with an increased risk of eating disorders and an increased likelihood of self-reported diagnosis of eating disorders.
Vaporing is common among young adults, and the onset of eating disorders usually occurs before age 25, but researchers say the association is unclear among national samples of college students. I am writing. An estimated 22% of college students reported recent nicotine vaporization in 2019, but “29% of women, 16% of men, and 14% of transgender / gender-incompatible college students have symptoms of eating disorders. “I am reporting,” the author said. Some research notes.
Survey results published in Eating behavior Quoted from the 2018-2019 National Health Mind Study (HMS) of approximately 51,231 US students at 78 universities. The email survey included students over the age of 18 and asked the following questions:
“Have you been diagnosed by a medical professional (eg, primary care physician, psychiatrist, psychologist) with any of the following conditions? Eating disorders (eg, neuropathic appetite, neurological) Hyperphagia). ”Other questions aimed at assessing the risk of eating disorders:“ Have you ever felt uncomfortable and full and sick? ”“ You are you Are you worried about losing control over how much you eat? ”
Respondents also answered whether they used e-cigarettes or arc pens within 30 days and the type of arc (flavor, nicotine, marijuana, etc.).
The results show that 19% of respondents reported recent use of vaping / e-cigarette, a quarter were at high risk of eating disorders, and nearly 4% self-reported a diagnosis of eating disorders. Shown.
Researchers have pointed out that the use of e-cigarettes can exacerbate health problems associated with eating disorders such as “cardiovascular, lung and neurological complications.”
Based on the findings, the authors of the study screened for symptoms of eating disorders among college students reporting e-cigarette / vapor use use, discouraged such use, and monitored potential medical problems. I advised the clinician to do so.
“Federal and state policymakers should continue to enact policies that regulate arcpen or e-cigarettes to protect the health of young people,” the authors conclude. This study has limitations such as reliance on self-reported data, and the author sought a more comprehensive study using validated measurements, among other limitations.
The results were announced last Thursday by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) shortly before the decision to keep the vaping brand Juul on the market was delayed.
The FDA said it refused to apply for about 950,000 e-cigarettes and related products, primarily because it could appeal to minor teens. Some products are currently on sale, but many others are only proposed by the manufacturer. However, the agency did not control Juul, the most popular brand among adult smokers and many teens. The delay in the decision was hit by strong criticism from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
“This is a reckless decision that will allow products that have been proven to addict and endanger young people to continue to be sold,” said Dr. Lisa Biobeer, president of AAP, in part. statement..
When prompted by Fox News, a Juul spokeswoman said: We continue to work to keep adult smokers away from flammable cigarettes while combating the use of minors. “
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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