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COVID-19 Pandemic Affects Mothers’ Family Planning in New York


September 15, 2021

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Researchers reported that nearly half of New York City mothers who were trying to get pregnant before the COVID-19 pandemic stopped trying during the first months of the outbreak. JAMA network open..

He also said that one-third of women who were thinking about getting pregnant before the pandemic but hadn’t started trying yet no longer consider it.

“Our findings show that the first COVID-19 outbreak Made the woman think twice About expanding the family and, in some cases, reducing the number of children you plan to have in the end, “says the author. Linda NS. Kahn, PhD, MPH, Said in a press release.

Linda NS. Kahn

“This is another example that can last. Pandemic results Beyond the more obvious health and economic implications, “Kahn, an assistant professor of pediatrics and artificial health at NYU Langone Health, continued.

As pregnancy becomes more dangerous and more difficult to achieve with age, the delays caused by pandemics can increase the health risks of both mothers and offspring and the need for costly fertility drugs. Mr. Khan said he was sexual.

The 1,179 New York City mothers who participated in the survey already had at least one child under the age of three, which could pose the challenge of caring for infants during the New York City outbreak and subsequent peak blockages. Kahn added. It influenced their hesitation in giving birth to a baby.

Researchers also looked at early evidence that fertility rates declined in the United States during the pandemic.

The number of births in 2020 will be about 300,000 less than experts expected based on trends in annual fertility, especially at the end of the year, in response to the lack of concepts at the start of the March pandemic. It decreased in 2 months.

So far, researchers have stated that few studies have investigated the underlying causes behind individual parental decisions to delay pregnancy. The researchers said their study was the first to investigate a mother’s pregnancy plan. First wave of COVID-19 in New York City..

Researchers analyzed data from an ongoing New York University child health and environmental study. The study, which collected data in mid-April 2020, reminded mothers of their pre-pandemic pregnancy plans and whether they were continuing those plans.

According to Kahn, less than half of mothers who said they had stopped getting pregnant were confident that they would resume their pregnancy after the pandemic, suggesting that they might give up rather than delay plans to expand their families. bottom.

Researchers add that mothers with high stress levels and high financial anxiety are particularly likely to postpone or end plans for additional children, emphasizing the importance of financial health in pregnancy decisions. , The United States, which started in 2008.

“These results emphasize that the coronavirus affects not only individual parents, but perhaps overall fertility,” the author said. Melanie Jacobson, PhD, MPH, Said in the release.

Melanie Jacobson

Jacobson, an epidemiologist and research scientist in environmental pediatrics at NYU Langone Health, warned that the study included only women planning to have children and did not consider unplanned pregnancies.

Researchers will repeat the study of mothers in the same group to investigate the potential effects of vaccination that were not available when the study was first conducted, Jacobson said.


Kahn LG, et al. JAMA network Open. 2021; doi: 10.1001 / jamanetworkopen.2021.24273..




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