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Watch Live: Health Minister Brad Hazard Announces Latest COVID-19 Cases in New South Wales


Health Minister Brad Hazard held a Coronavirus press conference in New South Wales without Prime Minister Gladys Beregikrian. The state recorded 1,351 local infections on Thursday.

New South Wales has recorded 1,351 cases of local coronavirus and 12 additional deaths, with more than 200 deaths during outbreaks of highly contagious delta strains in the state. ..

Health Minister Brad Hazzard held the COVID-19 update on Thursday without Prime Minister Gladys Berejikrian, according to an announcement last week. She now only attends the 11am briefing “intermittently” daily.

Hazard said 80.1% of eligible communities in New South Wales were vaccinated once with the coronavirus vaccine and 48.5% were fully vaccinated.

He also announced that Lismore and Albury municipalities would be returned to blockage at 6 pm and other parts of New South Wales would be freed from stay-at-home orders.

“It’s enough to say that there were positive cases in both areas (Lismore and Albury),” Hazard said.

“They haven’t had it for a while, so they express my sadness to the local community that they have to return to the blockade, but for your safety and the safety of the community.”

NSW Health has determined that a seven-day shutdown is appropriate, but the Minister of Health warned that it could be extended further.

“We need everyone in the two symptomatic communities to come forward and take the test, because health can make well-structured decisions based on the information available,” he said. Said.

“If locals do not come out a lot to take the test, it presents a challenge for health to determine what is appropriate and what is not appropriate in the area, and we are clearly more based on the precautionary principle. I will act. “

The 12 deaths recorded on Thursday included 6 women and 6 men.

“We want to emphasize that these people are of different ages and the age range reflects the fact that this is a serious illness,” Hazard said.

The fatalities are:

  • A man in his 90s from western Sydney died at Westmead Hospital. He had an infection at the Hardi Guildford Aged Care Facility.This is the second death associated with an outbreak at this facility
  • A man in his 60s from western Sydney died at Northern Beaches Hospital
  • A man in his 60s from southwest Sydney died at Northern Beaches Hospital
  • A woman in her 80s from western Sydney died at Westmead Hospital
  • A woman in her 80s from southwest Sydney died at Concord Hospital
  • A woman in her 60s from southeastern Sydney died at Prince of Wales Hospital.
  • A man in his 40s from western Sydney died at Nepean Hospital
  • A woman in her 80s from western Sydney died at Westmead Hospital
  • A woman in her 70s from western Sydney died at Nepean Hospital
  • A man in his 70s from southwest Sydney died at Campbelltown Hospital
  • A woman in her 60s from southwest Sydney died at home
  • A man in his 50s from western Sydney died at Westmead Hospital

Currently, there are 210 COVID-related deaths in New South Wales during this outbreak, with a total of 266 deaths in the state since the outbreak of the pandemic.

Currently, there are 1,231 cases of coronavirus in the hospital, 231 in the intensive care unit, 108 of whom require ventilation.

Dr Marianne Gale of NSW Health said that 177 patients in the ICU were not vaccinated with the coronavirus, 49 were vaccinated once and 5 were vaccinated twice.

Dr. Gail said the state continues to use its “robust” sewage surveillance system to identify cases of undiagnosed coronavirus.

The program recently detected fragments of the virus at the Gunnedah, Inverell, and Hunter Karua sewage treatment plants at Hunter New England LHD, the Coffs Harbor sewage treatment facility at Mid North Coast LHD, and the Cowra and Young sewage treatment plants at Western NSW LHD. .. Narooma sewage treatment plant in the south of NSWLHD.

“We especially want residents in the following areas to monitor their symptoms and get tested,” she said.

The majority of local cases in New South Wales continue to be recorded in western and southwest Sydney.

Dr. Gail said the suburbs with the highest number of cases continue to be Greenacre, Gilford, Auburn, Basby, Bankstown, Merrylands, Blacktown, Punchbowl, Liverpool and Yagoona.

She also advised residents of Parramatta and Liverpool to be vaccinated.

Dr. Gail said there were two new local infections in Albury, and authorities said the source of the infection was unknown.

“It could be a link to Sydney, but it’s under investigation by a local public health team,” he said.

“They look independent of each other.”

Another LGA, Lismore, which was blocked again, recorded one local infection that could be a link to Sydney.

Deputy Prime Minister John Barillaro has confirmed that the stay-at-home order for 12 local governments will be lifted from 1:00 pm on Thursday.

This includes Bega, Blayney, Bogan, Cabonne, Dungog, Forbes, Muswellbrook, Narrabri, Parkes, Singleton, Snowy Monaro and Upper Hunter LGA.

“Good news for these communities today. Stay vigilant. Take tests when symptoms occur. Minimize mobility as much as possible,” said Barillaro.

“This is good news for the regions and regions of New South Wales.”

Thursday’s 1,351 local cases (found in 129,266 tests) increased the state’s highly contagious delta strain outbreak to 42,511.

This is followed by 1,259 cases on Wednesday, 1,127 cases on Tuesday, 1,257 cases on Monday, 1,262 cases on Sunday, and 1,599 cases on Saturday.

The blockade of Greater Sydney, which began on June 26, will continue until the end of September and until 70% of double vaccinations are achieved.

The state outbreak occurred on June 16 after a Bondi limousine driver carrying an international crew was infected with the virus.





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