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It is safe to get COVID and influenza vaccine at the same time


September 16, 2021-When the CDC announces the latest seasonal recommendations Influenza vaccine, The agency has made one notable update: Influenza vaccine And COVID-19 vaccination You can now give at the same time.

Guidance is for other vaccination Do not administer within 2 weeks before and after COVID-19 vaccination..

“We believe that influenza vaccination is very important in the context of ongoing COVID-19 activity,” said Lisa A. Grosskov, MD, MD, MD, Head of Medicine for the CDC’s Influenza Division. ..

She said COVID-19 is very busy with the healthcare system.And last year influenza The season was almost nonexistent. “With the recurrence of other common respiratory viruses, we expect an influenza pandemic this season, as in most winters, every year.

“Substantial influenza activity that coincides with COVID-19 activity can overwhelm our healthcare system,” she added.

Update published as part of CDC August 27 Weekly morbidity and mortality reports

Universal recommendations that have not changed

The recommendations are intended to guide vaccine providers in using influenza vaccines during the next influenza season, from late fall to early spring. Not surprisingly, they recommend regular annual influenza vaccinations for all people over the age of 6 months who do not have a particular underlying illness.

Following these precautions, the Influenza Working Group of the CDC’s Immunization Implementation Advisory Board said it would not only reduce influenza cases, but also reduce symptoms that could be confused with COVID-19. at the same time, Influenza prevention Reducing the severity of symptoms may reduce doctor consultation, hospitalization, and intensive care unit admission, and may relieve pressure on the medical system from COVID-19.

“The ACIP and CDC universal influenza vaccine recommendations have not changed,” Grohskopf said.

According to her, people older than 6 months should be vaccinated with the flu vaccine every year, with a few exceptions. Some people

Vaccination, including adults over the age of 65, is especially important for people at high risk of developing severe influenza complications. asthma, Diabetes mellitus, Heart disease And other chronic illnesses, pregnant people, and children under the age of five, she said.

Some updates

Recommendations include other important updates. First, the flu vaccine has been updated and is designed to protect against four different flu viruses.

Authorities have also changed the recommended timing of influenza vaccination for several groups of people, including pregnant people. Third semesterAdults who are not pregnant, and children who need two doses (children aged 6 months to 8 years who have never been vaccinated against influenza or who have not received a total of two or more doses in their lifetime).

Joint management focus

Still, it was the new recommendations for co-inoculation of COVID-19 and influenza vaccine that dominated the renewal. Grohskopf said that there is little data surrounding this idea, but experience with other vaccine combinations has given both an immune response and potential side effects, either alone or in combination with other vaccines. It shows that the cases are similar.

“Based on this previous experience, we do not anticipate any abnormalities or unexpected safety issues from simultaneous vaccination with the COVID-19 and flu vaccines,” she said.

And now Americans are free to get both vaccines at the same time, but Grohskopf quickly pointed out that neither vaccine should be delayed.

“Ideally, people should be vaccinated against the flu by the end of October. If the COVID-19 booster shot is approved by the FDA and recommended by the ACIP, some Americans will get the COVID-19 vaccine. People are not eligible for a third dose of the flu. People must be willing to get the flu shot and then get the COVID-19 vaccine at the right time. “

Dr. Andrew Noymer had no problems with co-vaccination with COVID-19 and the flu vaccine.

“Seasonal influenza vaccination is as well tolerated as COVID vaccination,” commented Neumer, Department of Population Health and Disease Prevention at the University of California, Irvine. He was not involved in the development of the CDC Recommendation.

In an interview, Neumer said: The answer is yes, and we always do this. NS MMR vaccine In fact, children are given a cocktail of three vaccines and MMRV is a cocktail of four vaccines. So I’m not worried about the double dose of influenza and COVID vaccine.

“The reason we recommend both at the same time is thread. Some people who are going to come back for the second shot will skip it. So do both at the same time.”

Medscape Medical News

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