Uncontrollable vomiting due to increased use of marijuana, studies show
“They are writhing, holding their stomachs and complaining of severe abdominal pain and nausea,” said Dr. Sam Wang, a pediatric emergency medicine expert and toxicologist at the Colorado Children’s Hospital.
“After they vomit, they continue to vomit whatever is in the stomach, which can last for hours,” Wang said. “They often say they took a hot shower that burned them before they came to the ER, but that didn’t help.
“At that time, we know that there may be cases of cannabis hypersensitivity syndrome, or CHS.”
Curiously, more than half of the 19 people reported using very hot baths and showers to self-treat their symptoms. As the number of CHS cases increased, warm bathing as a home treatment became a recurring theme.
“Patients often say,’You know, I always get this nausea and vomiting in the evening,'” said the king. “So they said to me,” I’m going to take a hot shower, and it gets better, and it happens again the next night. ”
“It’s pretty universal to say that these patients really, really hot showers, or really hot baths, to improve their symptoms,” he said.
Why is it so hot? “It’s not entirely clear,” said Wang, an associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora, Colorado.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive compound in weeds, has access to the body’s pain receptors, so the theory is that extreme heat-distracting sensations interrupt the pain cycle and relieve symptoms. there is.
But why does the same compound relieve and cause pain? Among the myriad possibilities: Dosage level. Wang points out that THC is becoming more and more effective in today’s marijuana products.
“It’s well documented that the amount of THC currently in cannabis has increased significantly,” Wang said. “The average in the 90’s was 4% or 5%. Currently, it ranges from 15% to 20% in Colorado.”
Another mystery: Not all heavy users of weeds are affected by CHS.
“It’s not entirely clear who tends to get it,” Wang said. “Is it a specific frequency or period of use? Is it a specific effect or a specific type of product? We do not have that data.”
Research is uneven
To fully understand, treat, and prevent new disorders, researchers need to record cases and compare symptoms. However, CHS is so new that it has become a “moving target” because it lacks medical diagnostics and insurance claim codes, Wang said.
To conduct the study, scientists examine medical records of reported cases of repeated vomiting and compare them to the use of marijuana in the community. Wang and his colleagues did just that in 2014 when recreational marijuana was legalized in Colorado. The use of medical marijuana has been legal since 2009.
According to Wang’s analysis published in the journal JAMA Network Open on Friday, more than 800,000 vomiting cases were reported in Colorado between 2013 and 2018. This was an increase of about 29% since marijuana was legalized in the state. This rate was highest in counties that previously had no marijuana pharmacies.
More than one-third of vomiting cases were people under the age of 25.
“This is not a rare issue,” Wang said. “I know my colleagues ask about cannabis use when adolescents have periodic abdominal pain and vomiting. It’s a fairly common practice to see, diagnose and treat.”
For some children, those tests can be repeated many times.
“For some of our children, this is the fifth ER visit in the last two months, with symptoms they can’t control,” Wang said.
And if you wait too long for them to come, CHS can be life-threatening.
“Whether it’s cannabis hypersensitivity syndrome or other viruses that cause cannabis vomiting, if released too long, it can cause electrolyte damage, shock, and organ failure. CHS is no exception. . “”
Concerns about the future
According to Pew’s research, the majority of adults in the United States (60%) say that marijuana needs to be legal for medical and recreational purposes. With such support, more states could legalize weeds in the future.
When they did, the king said he wanted people to take into account the potential dangers of cannabis, especially for young people.
“Adolescents and young adults are increasingly concerned about habitual use and its impact on physical and mental health,” Wang said.
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