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The outbreak of a coronavirus on a cruise ship forced the industry to make significant changes


Cruise ships are associated with hundreds of coronavirus cases across the country, but some Australians are keen to board as soon as possible.

However, vacations on the high seas will vary significantly if the ship is allowed to leave again.

The industry is working on new health protocols such as temperature testing and reducing the number of passengers on board.

The Cruise Lines International Association, representing a major cruise company and its Australian Managing Director, Joel Katz, said the industry is looking for ways to operate in a COVID-19 vaccine-free world.

Changes to all aspects of cruising are currently being considered to convince the government to restart in a way that does not lead to hundreds of infectious diseases.

Katz admitted that there is no quick solution and all options are being considered.

“[That includes] That health questionnaire [passengers] All aspects of in-flight operation, including boarding medical functions, must be completed until the guest returns home. ”

We are also considering changing the way guests interact with each other to increase the distance between tables and chairs by reducing the number of passengers who can enter the theater and increasing the seating time for meals.

You can see Princess Ruby in the background and the graveyard in the foreground.
The ruby ​​princess cruise ship was the cause of many incidents in Australia.(AAP: Joel Caret)

Cruising this year? Depends on who you ask

Industry was closed because coronavirus spread worldwide with high levels of infection Connect to ships anchored on the east and west coasts of Australia..

A few months later, some operators are planning to leave in September, offering a special sale to seduce customers.

But Deputy Chief Medical Officer Nick Coatesworth has revealed that Australians should not yet book such vacations.

“We will have the opportunity and time to consider whether a cruise ship is the right place to go, but I think it’s too early at this time,” he said.

However, that medical advice is not deterrent to Australians and will increase the number of travel booking tickets in the coming months.

Kathy Pubridis runs Travel Associates in Kew, Victoria, and claims that customers who are particular to a particular cruise line are already planning an overseas trip.

Tourism Minister Simon Birmingham urged Australians not to book holidays that are currently prohibited.

“There is no guarantee when the activity will resume,” he told ABC.

“There are certainly no guarantees for international travel and no guarantees for international cruise transport.”

Uncertain time tourism

Cruises are just a part of Australia’s tourism industry, while COVID-19 remains a threat, while developing new rules for operators to follow.

Margie Osmond, CEO of the Tourism and Transport Forum, said clarification in uncertain times.

“What do you need to put in theaters and art galleries because of the social distance on the tour bus? It’s all about what people look like when they go to camp again,” she says. It was

“In the coming weeks, we’ll see some more standard views across the industry on what are considered to be baselines.

Ms Osmond said COVID-19 offered tourists the opportunity to think outside the box, suggesting that the cruise industry could offer more travel within Australian waters if health officials approve the move. Stated.

“Once the state borders open, it’s not impossible to see cruise options around Australia in the last quarter of this year,” she said.

Katz said Australia’s overseas travel remains banned, but cruise operators will consider increasing local travel.

“We look forward to more choices for domestic or regional itineraries during the initial launch phase,” he said.

But don’t expect the Minister of Tourism to put off that idea.

Senator Birmingham said he would rather stay on land.

“The most important focus of our tourism revival is to lure visitors to stay in our town and help Australian companies recover,” he said.

“I urge them [Australians] Get in your car first, cross as much of the Australian countryside as you can, and once the state borders are open, board a plane and head to other fabulous destinations across the country. “

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