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Covid 19 Coronavirus: Wellington Eliminates Delta-17 Cases Recovered


There are 24 new Covid cases in the community, the penultimate day of the major warning level determination on Monday, September 19, 2021.

Delta was eliminated in Wellington.

The last of Capital’s 17 community cases is now considered recovered.

The news was revealed in today’s update from the Ministry of Health, which also announced 24 new community cases in Auckland.

With other parts of the country other than Auckland Capital remains alert level 2 at least until next weekAlthough the Prime Minister has suggested that Level 2 restrictions may be relaxed.

The country was blocked on August 17, after a community case of Covid-19 was detected in Auckland. After that, it swelled up to the outbreak of 1050.

This included 17 people in Wellington, the only area that has detected cases in the community since the outbreak began outside of Auckland.

NS First case of capital Recorded on Friday, August 20th, by three Wellingtons who returned from Auckland and were in a place of interest over the weekend.

Two cases were in the same household on the outskirts of Miramar, and the other was in Johnsonville.

Interesting locations listed in the capital included the popular Johnson Bill Bar, several supermarkets, and a gas station that travelers visited on their way back from Auckland.

In the next two weeks, 14 more cases were published, all of which were household contacts.


There were no recorded transmissions in any of Wellington’s listed locations of interest.

Wellington’s Covid-19 last community case was recorded on Friday, September 3, and only one of the 17 cases required hospitalization.

What does “recovered” mean?

Dr. Richard Jane, Deputy Director of Public Health at the Ministry of Public Health, said the recovery criteria from Covid-19 in New Zealand have recently been reviewed.

For Covid-19 cases to be released from quarantine, at least 10 days must pass after a positive test if symptoms develop or remain asymptomatic.

They were also asymptomatic for 72 hours and had to meet the criteria determined by their caregiver or medical officer.

Border incidents had to spend 14 days in controlled quarantine, even if they were considered to have recovered sooner.

“Through this and previous outbreaks, the Auckland Regional Public Health Service has managed Covid-19 cases according to this clinical guidance,” said Jaine.

A nurse taking a nasal swab at Wellington, Covid-19 test station at Johnsonville Medical Center.Photo / Mark Mitchell
A nurse taking a nasal swab at Wellington, Covid-19 test station at Johnsonville Medical Center.Photo / Mark Mitchell

“These decisions are based on clinical judgment by experienced and trained medical officers who have safely managed the thousands of people who brought Covid-19 back to the New Zealand community.”

However, in late August, the ministry finalized the latest guidance for moving from onset of symptoms or positive testing to a 14-day extension.

Jaine said the public health unit is now operating under this guidance, although it was not officially implemented.

“Oakland focuses on managing current large-scale outbreaks, and this guidance will be implemented as demand from outbreaks diminishes.

“In the meantime, people are discharged only after being evaluated by a medical officer.”

“As part of ensuring that the Covid-19 approach is effective and adapted as needed, the ministry keeps track of the evolution of science and public health thinking as the virus changes. increase.”

Capital and Coast DHB records that more than 70% of Wellingtons have been vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine at least once. Almost 30 percent are fully vaccinated.

Two controlled quarantine facilities were used in the capital-the Grand Mercure to accommodate confirmed Covid-19 cases and the Bay Plaza in Oriental Bay for close contact that could not be safely quarantined at home. ..

The Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) has confirmed that it does not require close contact to quarantine at the Bay Plaza Hotel.

This week, Herald has a ventilation system at the Bay Plaza Hotel To the standard of more infectious delta variants..

The hotel, which is currently accepting returnees again, has halved its capacity to 32 rooms and was scheduled to cease operation as a MIQ facility at the end of the year.






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