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Experts look for fears and misconceptions that may contribute to slow uptake of the Queensland COVID-19 vaccine


Queensland is lagging behind the deployment of COVID-19 vaccination in the United States.

apart from Bumper weekend Vaccination, Queensland remains The slowest of all states and territories to administer the first dose Queensland Reach 80% inoculation milestone Behind the rest of the country.

Although often accused of lack of vaccine supply, some populations are concerned about COVID-19 vaccination, especially in rural and remote areas.

But experts told ABC that few Queenslanders need to worry about receiving jabs.

This is the reason.

Isn’t the risk of infection low in an isolated community?

This is a misunderstanding, according to the University of Queensland virologist Kirsty Short.

She said that at some point everyone was exposed to the coronavirus.

“We will open the border, it will spread, and eventually everyone will be infected with COVID,” Dr. Short said.

“Our choice is whether to obtain COVID as an unexposed, potentially vulnerable population or as a vaccinated population.”

Keppel MP Brittany Lauga
Members of Keppel Brittany Lauga say COVID exposure will soon become a bigger problem in the region.(((

Facebook: Brittany Lauga


Hesitation in isolated areas is a concern for Parliamentarian Brittany Lauga in central Queensland.

“I’m definitely complacent because I haven’t seen COVID in our community for a while,” she said.

Vaccination coverage in her constituency, Keppel, is below the state average — it is low in itself.

“There have been no proceedings in central Queensland for more than 12 months. There are no direct threats,” Lauga said.

Are vaccine side effects a bigger problem for young people than viruses?

This is where things become personal for Dr. Short, who falls into the young and healthy category.

If she is tested positive for COVID-19, she is not considered high risk, but Dr. Short chose to be vaccinated after investigating those who survived the virus.

“Many of them (sometimes up to 50 percent) report ongoing symptoms,” she said.

“We’re talking about young and healthy individuals … they still don’t have the energy to get back to work after six or twelve months.”

She also said there was no evidence to suggest long-term outcomes or symptoms of the vaccine.

“In contrast, we know that COVID-19 has long-term effects.”

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Occurrence: How Australia lost control of the Delta variant

What about people with underlying health?

Many people with chronic illness were prioritized early in deployment.

Maria Boulton of the Queensland Australian Medical Association said the GP is the perfect person to discuss such concerns.

“If some people have weakened immunity, it’s actually more important to get the vaccine,” said Dr. Boulton.

“But if people have special concerns, their GP can deal with it with them, keeping in mind that some medical conditions increase their vulnerability to COVID. “

Remove and thaw a frozen vial of Pfizer / BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.
People who are afraid of needles can be vaccinated or even sedated away from the clinic.(((

AP: Francisco Seco


What if there is a legitimate fear of the needle?

The medical term is tripanophobia, an extreme phobia of medical procedures, including injections and hypodermic needles.

Dr. Boulton said the phobia causes daily problems in general practitioner clinics and is not unique to COVID-19 vaccination.

“If someone is afraid of needles, we will vaccinate them away from the vaccination clinic, we will spend more time with them, we may put them to sleep , We distract them, we do everything we can to make it, it’s a better experience for them. “

In extreme cases, the patient may be referred to a sedative clinic.

Dr. Short said COVID-19 vaccination can also be seen as an opportunity for people with extreme fear of needles to deal with phobias.

“There are a variety of treatments and mental health support to support people with this phobia,” she said.

Four elementary school students stand with their backs to the camera and wash their hands in a long metal basin on a brick wall.
School outbreaks indicate that young people can become infected with COVID-19 and that children over the age of 12 are vaccinated.(((

ABC News: Simon Tucci


Is there a risk that the vaccine will adversely affect children in the future?

Dr. Boulton said everyone needs to be guided by the scientific advice approved to vaccinate children up to the age of 12.

Recent cases of COVID-19 in Queensland include outbreaks in two Brisbane schools.

“The Indooroopilly Cluster has shown in Brisbane that children can be infected with COVID. If you have specific questions, I think you need to raise them at the GP,” Dr. Boulton said. Says.

Are you worried about giving birth to a woman?

Dr. Short categorically shows no signs that the COVID vaccine will adversely affect childbirth.

“In fact, during clinical trials, there were many women who were vaccinated, became pregnant, and succeeded in becoming pregnant,” she said.

Dr. Boulton said a lot of false information is spreading on social media about giving birth with the COVID vaccine.

“The obstetrician’s college actually looked at this, and there is no data to support this rumor,” she said.

“Pregnancy can increase the severity of some viruses. For example, influenza (COVID is another) is more vulnerable and more susceptible, so there are more and more reasons to discuss vaccination with the GP. increase.”

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