Origin of Coronavirus: Biologists lie about the Chinese Wuhan Animal Market
China is back on the ropes as biologists reveal the origin of coronavirus->
A few hours after admitting that China had destroyed coronavirus samples in some “unlicensed laboratories,” some biologists said a pandemic was attributed to Wuhan’s wildlife market last December. Clarified the claim that there is.
Breakthrough scientific research by expert biologists suggests that the virus was brought to the market by people who already had the disease.
They also say they were “surprised” to find out that the virus “has already adapted to human transmission,” another coronavirus that evolved rapidly when it spread around the planet in previous epidemics. As opposed to.
Explosive claims published by Sunday emailCome, Beijing has blocked global efforts to establish the source of the virus.
Since the outbreak in central China last year, the news fuels concerns over China’s alleged cover-up.
New research is evident in the findings. “The publicly available genetic data does not point to interspecific transmission of the virus on the market,” said molecular biologist Alina Chang and evolutionary biologist Shin Zhang.
Their paper argues that it is necessary to investigate all routes of transmission “from animals to humans” (in this case from bats).
It says: “ The possibility that non-genetically modified precursors have adapted to humans while being studied in the laboratory should be considered. ”
Revelation is increasingly called for an international investigation into outbreaks.
“We need a thorough understanding of many things related to Covid-19,” said Bob Seely of Tory MP, a member of the Commons Diplomatic Selection Committee.
“We need to know where the virus originated, why we were told that there was no human infection at one time, and what the role of the Communist Party of China is.”
Beijing health officials have argued that the virus originated from an animal in Wuhan’s South China market.
They said it was “a matter of time” to identify the crossover species behind the bat-to-human transmission.
The World Health Organization immediately endorsed the claim. “Evidence strongly suggests that it is associated with exposure to one of Wuhan’s seafood markets,” he said in a statement.
The day after notifying WHO, authorities closed the market and sent the team using a powerful disinfectant.
I took a sample from an animal, but after 4 months, the results are not shared with foreign scientists. The lawsuit alleged that they were deliberately wiping out important traces.
“The crime scene is gone,” said Guan Yi, an expert at the University of Hong Kong. “How can we solve a case without evidence?”
read more Sunday email
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