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Testing of a new vaccine to combat the Covid-19 variant begins


In Manchester, a new jab test is underway to combat a variant of Covid-19.

It is hoped that vaccines will be able to provide longer lasting immunity than current vaccines. Initially involving participants over the age of 60, the creator of the new drug, GRT-R910, is a first-generation Covid-19 vaccine against various variants of Sars-Cov-2 that cause Covid-19. I hope I can boost my immune response. ..

The first to receive a jab in the trial were NHS nurse Helen Clark (64) and her husband Andrew (63), who retired from Bolton, Manchester.

Mrs. Clark said: “I used to work for the NHS and was involved in research as a nurse in the past.

“We are amazed at how quickly the vaccine was created and approved. It wouldn’t have been possible without volunteers.”

Clark added: “Someone needs to be first and we are confident in the science and technology behind this vaccine and are convinced of its need.

“We both feel retired, so it feels pretty easy to blockade, but we know it wasn’t the same for everyone.

“I feel this is probably a small role we can play in helping to change things.”

The exam will recruit an additional 20 volunteers and is expected to produce results early next year.

The study is being conducted at the National Institute of Health Manchester Clinical Research Facility (NIHR MCRF) at the Royal Clinic of Manchester, which is part of the University of Manchester NHS Foundation Trust (MFT).

Professor Andrew Ustianowski of the University of Manchester, one of the clinical leaders in the study, said:

“It is clear that, coupled with the epidemic of new variants, continuous vigilance is needed to keep Covid-19 away.

“We believe that GRT-R910 as a booster vaccination is strong, durable and elicits a wide range of immune responses, especially in maintaining protection for this vulnerable elderly at risk of hospitalization and death. Can be important in. “

Creators want to boost immunity now and in the future
Many vaccines can expire soon before they are injected into people
(Image: PA)

This study is being conducted in collaboration with the US pharmaceutical company Gritstone, the University of Manchester, and the University of Manchester NHS Foundation Trust.

Vaccine GRT-R910 is a self-amplifying mRNA second generation SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, or SAM for short.

The SAM vaccine may provide an opportunity to reduce the dose of the vaccine or eliminate the need for repeated doses that may result in a sustained and broad immune response throughout the SARS-CoV-2 mutant.

Such vaccines induce specialized immune cells (CD8 + T cells), which are important arms of the body’s immune response to the virus, and antibodies that can neutralize the virus and prevent it from binding to cells and preventing infection. It works by doing.

Dr. Andrew Allen, MD, co-founder and president of Gritstone, said: It will bring more benefits than additional doses of the same vaccine. “

This study examines the dose, safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of GRT-R910 at two dose levels at least 4 months after the second dose of the first vaccine.

GRT-R910 is also being investigated as part of a Phase 1 study sponsored by the National Institutes of Health.

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