Mobile vaccination sites are aimed at helping employees meet their job requirements – CBS Denver
Commerce City, Colorado (CBS4) – The Colorado Public Health Service launched four community mobile vaccine sites throughout the metropolitan area on Monday. The goal is to help residents meet their employer’s requirements, whether or not they receive their first dose.
“It’s much easier to get vaccinated,” said Lt. Col. Jamie Peeper of the Colorado Guard. “By the end of the month, we’ve seen quite a few employers mandating vaccines.”
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Mayor Michael Hancock demanded that all Denver city officials and private sector workers in high-risk environments be fully vaccinated by September 30. Alternatively, meet the potential corporate requirement to receive at least one vaccination by the end of the month.
“We were more or less forced,” said one woman on Monday at the location of Dick’s Sporting Goods Park. “If we don’t get it, we can’t get a job.”
Each site operates for 10 days and can provide the community with 1,000 doses daily. According to CDPHE, these locations have joined more than 1,600 community partners who are already providing vaccines. Some sites, such as Dick’s, were able to handle 6,000 vaccinations per day when the site was a mass vaccination site earlier in the year.
“We want to take that challenge with these current community sites. We need to increase capacity,” Pieper, a senior state COVID-19 compliant adviser, told CBS4 on Monday.
Supply is stable across Colorado, but demand hasn’t caught up in recent months. While the clinic wants to help people who meet their employer requirements, CDPHE also wants to work on spreading from delta variants and encourage more people who are hesitant to vaccinate. ..
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“We absolutely want to make sure it’s readily available, so anyone who needs the vaccine can do so,” Pieper said.
As of Monday, these sites are available for the first and second doses of the vaccine. If you have weakened immunity and are eligible for a third dose, you can request the shot at these locations. Public booster shots recommended by vaccine manufacturers due to their reduced effectiveness are not approved at these locations.
COVID-19 Colorado Vaccine Finder
Large community vaccination site information
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- Aurora-Aurora Municipal Center
- Location: 15151 E Alameda Pkwy, Aurora, CO 80012
- Drive-through clinic
- Business hours: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
- Book online
- Littleton-Southwest Plaza Mall
- Location: 8501 W Bowles Ave, Littleton, CO 80123
- Drive-through clinic
- Business hours: 10 am-7pm
- Book online
- Colorado Springs-Chapel Hills Mall
- Location: 1710 Briargate Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
- Walk-in clinic
- Business hours: 10 am-5:30pm
- Book online
- Dick’s Sporting Goods Park Parking Lot
- Location: 6000 Victory Way, Commerce City, CO 80022, Lot F 9 / 20-22, Lot H 9 / 23-9 / 30
- Walk-up clinic
- Business hours: 11:00 am to 9:00 pm
- Book online
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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