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Details of the four drugs used to treat COVID-19. What really works? – CBS Denver

Details of the four drugs used to treat COVID-19. What really works? – CBS Denver


Dallas (CBSDFW.COM) – Hydroxychloroquine, remdesivir, ivermectin, and monoclonal antibodies are some of the most talked about drugs for COVID-19. But which treatment is best when it comes to fighting the coronavirus?

KTVT-TV in Dallas learned more about each from Dr. Robert Gottlieb of the Baylor Scott & White Research Institute.

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“There are many treatments that don’t work when you bring them to humans, on paper, or even in the lab,” said Dr. Gottlieb. “We need to remember that we are not trying to treat the virus in test tubes, we are trying to treat the human virus.”

At the beginning of the pandemic, doctors tried everything they could to save lives, including some treatments that proved not as effective as once thought. With more research, doctors have a better understanding of what actually works and have the science and data to support it.

“We have explicitly studied hydroxychloroquine,” said Dr. Gottlieb. “We have shown that the promise is a false promise. It is one of the best studies in the world and does not help the virus.”

Hydroxychloroquine is an antimalarial drug that is also used to treat symptoms such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Early studies showed expectations in the laboratory, and doctors believed the drug would help prevent overreactions in people’s immune system, but a peer-reviewed study admitted with COVID-19. It turned out to be ineffective for the patient.

“You can draw a very complex path of why it works, but you can’t do it as an effective treatment. The data is the data,” he explained.

The second promising treatment, at least in severe cases of COVID, is the antiviral drug remdesivir. “Remdesivir reduces hospital stays regardless of the level of oxygen support required in the hospital, which actually saves lives,” Gottlieb said.

The drug received full FDA approval last October for use in adult and pediatric COVID patients aged 12 years and older who require hospitalization. It is still being studied for outpatient use.

Another potential treatment that has received a lot of attention is ivermectin. It is FDA approved to treat skin conditions such as certain parasites, head lice, and rosacea. It also exhibits some antiviral properties, but the jury has not yet determined whether it can be used as an effective treatment for COVID-19. Clinical trials are underway, but Gottlieb said it’s too early to know if it helps.

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“We haven’t completely disproved it, but there’s no evidence at the moment of effectiveness,” Gottlieb said. “So now we don’t know the answer. There are no recommendations. I don’t prescribe it personally.”

Human grade ivermectin requires a prescription, but it is also a drug used in animals. Due to its popularity on blogs and social media, there have been reports of people raiding feed stores to buy animal feed. Gottlieb said it was dangerous and could not receive proven treatment.

“If someone thinks they are protected by ivermectin and they aren’t, you’re really missing out on prescribing them a version of placebo and actually being treated with effective treatments.” Said Gottlieb. “From that point of view, it gives the illusion of protection, so it’s really harmful.”

The most promising outpatient treatment at this time is monoclonal antibody therapy.

“If you have one or more mild symptoms, it doesn’t matter how mild they are. They are the patients we studied and can prevent 70-87% of those patients from being hospitalized. We have shown that we can do it, “says Gottlieb. “If you use it early, you can actually save your life.”

According to Gottlieb, there are three different manufacturers and no comparison data on their effectiveness. He said what’s on the shelves of your health care system is the right one. Various centers have been opened throughout Texas to provide free treatment. Doctors said it’s important to stick to what you know will work outside of clinical trials.

“I was really convinced when I did the research. Therapy X Also Therapy y It will really work, “Dr. Gottlieb explained. “I was very humbled by the answer when we actually closed the study and decided who was actually who.”

According to Gottlieb, another type of drug has proven useful and is a cheap, readily available corticosteroid. They have been shown to be beneficial for inpatients who require oxygen, but in reality they can be harmful for patients who are not in such situations.

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Gottlieb said the best defense is to get the vaccine. He also said there was nothing wrong with taking vitamins D and C or multivitamins. He said they may not actually affect the virus, but in fact they now have a downside and can make you feel more positive. The spirit itself is powerful.





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