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COVID-19 research claims that antimicrobial surface coatings can kill coronavirus for 90 days


Increasing protection against the SARS-CoV-2 virus or the new coronavirus is becoming more important. According to a recent COVID-19 study, people daily shut down blocked cities, states, and countries around the world to reopen, and one way to do that is to have a continuously effective disinfectant on the surface. Is to use.

Antibacterial surface coating Coronavirus COVID-19

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While the use of traditional disinfectants is effective, continuously active antibacterial techniques can be used to provide additional barriers.

Study on antibacterial surface coating against COVID-19

This study was conducted by a team of researchers at the University of Arizona (UA) and was recently published on a preprint server MedRxiv, Which means it has not been peer reviewed.

by UA ResearcherWhile disinfection of high contact surfaces is an essential technique in today’s pandemic prevalence world, these surfaces can be easily recontaminated using conventional disinfectants.

However, as research suggests, continuously active antiseptics or specially formulated antimicrobial coatings can effectively kill microorganisms such as coronaviruses.

In addition, this type of surface disinfectant may provide longer protection against COVID-19 and various other illnesses that may be acquired from bacteria, bacteria, and viruses.

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Use of human coronavirus 229E

Researchers have designed and conducted studies to evaluate the use of continuously effective antibacterial techniques and their potential use for virus transmission.

They achieved results by testing a modified antibacterial coating against human coronavirus 229E, one of the cold-causing viruses.

According to their results, the coating was applied two weeks ago and was able to kill 99.9% of the coronavirus within two hours.

Since human coronavirus 229E has the same structure as SARS-CoV-2 virus, we believe it can be used to control the infection of the novel coronavirus and provide higher protection against COVID-19.

This work was funded by Allied BioScience, a company that manufactures these antimicrobial surface coatings.

“Aerosols released during sneezing and coughing during the course of respiratory illnesses such as COVID-19 contain infectious viruses that eventually settle on various surfaces,” said the UA Ministry of the Environment. Associate Research Professor Louisa Eckner said. Science.

“Factors such as temperature, humidity, and surface type can affect how long a virus such as SARS-CoV-2 remains infectious after surface deposition,” she added.

Charles Gerba, a microbiologist and professor of environmental science at UA’s Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Additional barriers In controlling the spread of microorganisms such as coronaviruses in the indoor environment.

Also read: COVID-19: Breakthrough coronavirus drug may provide temporary immunity and may therefore help to reopen the country

Additional barriers

At present, we use only hand sanitizers, rubbing alcohol, hand wash, and traditional surface sanitizers, Avoid spread Of virus in our home.

Nonetheless, these liquid-based surface disinfectants, unlike continuously active disinfectants that make these surfaces hostile environments, tend to render microorganisms non-infectious, including coronaviruses. only.

A previous study by UA researchers at Mel and Enid Zuckerman Public Health University investigated the effects of these coatings in two urban hospitals.

Research results Published In October of last year, infections due to hospital infections decreased by 36%.

This technology has been around for a long time, and if you really want to use it, it’s readily available to the general public.

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