Chicago health officials urge residents to vaccinate as the flu season approaches – NBC Chicago
After last year’s historic flu season, Chicago public health officials hope that measures taken by residents to protect themselves from COVID-19 will continue to be effective in preventing seasonal viruses for another year. It states that it is doing.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 2,038 cases of influenza were reported by the Public Health and Clinical Research Institute between September 2020 and April 2021, compared to the approximately 38 million cases reported the previous year. Much less.
Public health experts attributed the significant drop in cases to the increasing importance of hand washing, increased social distance, and increased mask wear. All of this was brought about by the public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
On Tuesday, Chicago Public Health Commissioner Dr. Alison Arwadi hopes that these mitigations will continue this year, but especially about the upcoming flu season, especially as delta mutations are still causing the rise. Said he was still nervous. Case level in the city and Illinois.
“It’s ridiculous not to worry about autumn and winter at all,” she said. “If they (in the case of flu) have at least some COVID and there is a pattern in which autumn and winter are not only the cold and flu seasons, but also the cold, flu and COVID seasons, it is normal breathing. Yeah, I’m a little worried because it’s becoming a flu. “
Arwady states that hand washing, social distance and masking are all keys to fighting the flu and encouraged all eligible residents to get the flu vaccine.
She said that if the city sees the combination of influenza and COVID cases increasing the burden on the health care system, further mitigation measures, including an extension of the mandatory mask, may be considered. I have.
“Our goal is to stay open and pay attention. If there are signs that COVID or COVID and influenza together are seriously threatening our medical system, or new variants enter If … serious problems can occur, “she said. “I hope I don’t have to be more aggressive, but I will do so if I start threatening the healthcare system.”
Last year’s flu season was historically tamed, according to CDC data. Only 0.2% of respiratory test specimens tested in US clinical laboratories returned positive virus tests. By comparison, over the past few years, the average positive rate for these tests has been between 26.2% and 30.3%.
During the 2020-21 influenza season, only one childhood influenza death was reported in the United States, compared to 195 in the previous year.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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