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Salmonella outbreaks detected in half of US states


The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned on Friday that an outbreak of Salmonella from an “unknown food source” was detected in 25 states across the United States.

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The agency confirmed 20 outbreaks of Salmonella oranienburg infections on September 2, and said it has “expanded rapidly” since then.

this map It shows where the people of this Salmonella outbreak were found.

File images without dates show Salmonella as seen under a microscope. (Photo courtesy of Universal Image Group via BSIP / Getty Images)

As of last Wednesday, 127 people were infected It began with a disease reported as an outbreak from August 3, 2021 to September 1, 2021.

People between the ages of 1 and 82 are infected.

The median age is 33 years and 59% are female.

Of the 49 people who have the information available, the CDC writes that 18 have been hospitalized and no deaths have been reported.

“The number of people with actual illnesses in outbreaks can be much higher than reported, and outbreaks may not be limited to states with known illnesses. This means that many people recover without medical care. , Because I haven’t been tested for Salmonella. ” “In addition, recent illnesses usually occur and may not yet be reported. 3-4 weeks To determine if a sick person is part of the outbreak. “

State and region to elucidate the cause of the outbreak Health authorities We interview the sick about the food they ate the week before the infection.

The CDC said several groups of people who got sick after eating at the same restaurant have been identified, which could help with their efforts. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is analyzing records collected from restaurant locations.

As the investigation continued, public health officials PulseNet system – Manage a national database of DNA Fingerprints of bacteria that cause food poisoning – identify diseases that may be part of the outbreak.

In addition, the CDC used whole-genome sequencing to find that bacteria from samples of sick people are genetically closely related. That is, the affected person may have become ill from the same food.

“”WGS analysisBacterial numbers from a 98-person sample did not predict resistance to antibiotics.standardAntibiotic susceptibility testBy CDCNational Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System (NARMS)The lab is currently underway, “said the CDC.

Symptoms of Salmonella It usually starts 6 to 6 days after infection and most people recover without treatment 4 to 7 days later, but children under 5 years old, adults over 65 years old, and people with weakened immunity. Some people experience more serious illnesses. These symptoms include diarrhea, fever, and stomach cramps.

If you suspect you have these symptoms, report your illness to the health department, assist public health investigators, and write down what you ate during the week before you began to get sick.

To prevent salmonella, individuals wash hands, utensils, surfaces, rinse fruits and vegetables, keep foods that are not cooked separately from raw meat, chicken, seafood, and use food thermometers to make foods High enough temperature to kill the Germsexternal icon Fresh food should be refrigerated within 2 hours and thawed in the refrigerator.

Julia Musto is a reporter for Fox News Digital. She can be found on Twitter at @JuliaElenaMusto.

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