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Double vaccination halves the risk of developing long-term symptoms

Double vaccination halves the risk of developing long-term symptoms


In unvaccinated people, around 1 in 20 People infected with symptomatic COVID-19 experience symptoms for at least 8 weeks. One in fifty people has symptoms of being dragged out for more than three months.

I wanted to know if the COVID-19 vaccine could prevent the onset of long-term symptoms. To find out, we looked at data provided by over a million regular contributors. COVID Symptom Study, A project to support research by recording symptoms through the app for the general public.

our Latest analysis In the data from this study, which covers about 2 million vaccinations, the vaccine significantly reduced the risk of catching COVID-19, with only 0.2% of fully vaccinated being later virus-positive. It is shown.

Even if you are unlucky to catch the virus after vaccination, you are less likely to get seriously ill or die. People who receive double vaccination are 31% less likely to experience acute COVID-19 symptoms and 73% less likely to be hospitalized. This is supported by the relatively low hospitalization and mortality rates currently seen by tens of thousands of people. The UK is still positive every day.

French students vaccinated against COVID-19
Reducing the long-term threat of symptoms is an additional benefit of receiving double vaccination.
Laurent Gillieron / EPA-EFE

Reassuringly, only about 5% of people infected with COVID-19 after vaccination had symptoms for more than 4 weeks. In other words, the chances of developing a long COVID have been halved. One of the best ways to reduce the risk of prolonged COVID is to be fully vaccinated as soon as possible.

However, frail elderly people and people living in socially disadvantaged areas are more likely to become infected with COVID-19 after vaccination and become ill, especially if they have been vaccinated only once. I noticed. This suggests that further vaccination efforts and public health measures such as masking and social distance should be prioritized between these groups, especially when infection rates are high and people are moving around in a mixed manner. I am.

Vaccine and long COVID

We started to notice when the UK vaccination program started. Case report From people living with long COVIDs who appear to have improved symptoms after vaccination.

The patient-led Long Covid SOS Group Surveying Over 800 long COVID patients in early 2021. More than half of the people surveyed noticed an overall improvement in symptoms after vaccination and subsequently appeared to persist in about half of this group. About a quarter of all respondents reported no difference, and one-fifth said their symptoms worsened. These findings have been released as preprints and have not yet been reviewed by other scientists, but are supported by data from the upcoming COVID Symptoms Study.

However, although there seems to be some link between COVID-19 vaccination and long-term improvement in COVID, it is not clear how the two are linked. The immune response evoked by the vaccine can directly affect symptoms.

Alternatively, time may continue to elapse as these people first become infected and recover naturally from the virus. Or it could be both bits. In any case, more research is needed to figure out what is happening.

A woman with a long COVID lying on the bed and covering her face
There is still no definitive answer as to whether the vaccine can relieve people’s long-standing COVID symptoms.
True Touch Lifestyle / Shutterstock

What we can say is that the COVID-19 vaccine is certainly not harmful to people with long COVIDs. In addition, because it is known that the virus can be re-infected, a second infection risks exacerbating and further regressing the symptoms of people with long-term COVID. Therefore, it is important to encourage people with long unvaccinated COVIDs to be vaccinated as soon as possible to protect themselves and those around them.

Serious threat

Long COVIDs are unlikely to occur after vaccination, but this is a number game, and even a small percentage of a large number can be a significant percentage. As long as tens of thousands of cases are seen each day, it is expected that a significant number of people will live with prolonged symptoms over the next few months.

This is especially important for young people who may not be too worried about hospitalization or death, but who may still be susceptible to the long-term effects of debilitating the virus. Many things can happen in a few months when you are young, and a long COVID can mean that people miss life-changing opportunities such as sitting on exams or getting a new job. I have. Happiness for life.

We will probably live with COVID-19 for some time to come. However, the combination of vaccination and public health measures as needed can reduce the number of people who must be directly affected by life-threatening long-term consequences.




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