The town of New Jersey reports five more cases of legionellosis, one death
Five more suffered from legionellosis in Hamilton and another died. Following a series of cases first detected a year ago In the town of Mercer County.
The total number of cases dating back to August 2020 is currently nine, with three dead and an ongoing investigation by the State Department of Health reported in a joint statement on Tuesday.
Hamilton first reported four cases of Legionella Last august, Two of them were deadly.
Since then, officials said Wednesday that they had identified a total of five cases, one from November 2020 and four from May to August 2021.
One person died last month.
“Although water is safe to drink, there are basic precautions that residents can take to protect themselves, such as flushing water regularly with a faucet and maintaining a hot water tank.” Said state epidemiologist Dr. Tina Tan in a statement released. Hamilton.
Mr. Tan said that the home air conditioner unit does not use water as a coolant and does not aerosolize the water, so there is no risk of growing Legionella bacteria. Cause illnessSpreads by inhalation of infected water droplets.
Legionellosis is an antibiotic-treatable pneumonia, and health officials have emphasized that anyone with symptoms should see a doctor.
The main symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, fever, muscle aches, headaches) are similar to those of COVID-19. And while many people exposed to Legionella do not get sick, people over the age of 50, especially those who smoke, or have other medical conditions or weakened immunity, are at increased risk of illness. increase.
Hamilton gets part of That drinking water from Trenton aqueductA city-based utility that also supplies water to parts of the towns of Lawrence, Ewing, and Hopewell Valley.Hamilton is also offered by Aqua, Private water company.
However, officials said Legionella’s problem seems to be based on Hamilton.
“While water samples are being collected [Trenton Water Works’ treatment plant and central pumping station] Water samples collected from homes and businesses in Hamilton Township served by TWW, which consistently do not show the presence of Legionella, confirm the presence of Legionella, “the statement said. I am.
“There are concerns that Legionella may be present in other buildings and homes in the area,” the statement said.
Other towns served by the Trenton Water Department do not publicly report cases of legionellosis.
Mark A. Rabbenberg, director of water and sewage at Trenton, said in a statement: Family with legionellosis. “
Lavenberg said Trenton Water Works will launch an awareness campaign on October 1st to educate customers about legionellosis, which they have characterized as a “serious public health problem.”
Authorities say Hamilton homeowners and businesses are being asked to consider precautions to protect themselves from Legionella. List you can find here, And healthcare providers treating Hamilton residents said they needed to maintain a higher “highly suspicious indicator” of legionellosis when assessing symptoms.
“I want to thank [state health officials] Hamilton Mayor Jeff Martin is grateful for his involvement in investigating the frustrating frequency of legionellosis in Hamilton over the past decade and for working with the TWW and the Department of Health to ensure the safety of Hamilton’s population. To do. “Clean and safe drinking water is a human right. We will continue to fight so that all residents can comfortably know that they have access.”
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