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Main CDC reports 716 new COVID-19 cases, 2 additional deaths

Main CDC reports 716 new COVID-19 cases, 2 additional deaths


The Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 716 new cases of COVID-19 and two more deaths on Thursday.

The surge, which began in the middle of summer, is now heading towards autumn with the state. Set a new record for inpatients Almost every day, as delta variants continue to spread, especially among unvaccinated people. Still, state officials have given “small optimistic signs” that this latest surge (comparable to the worst of the 18-month pandemic) could be mitigated in Maine as well as in other states. I’m watching it.

“We are beginning to see a slight but visible decline in positives every day,” said Dr. Nirav Shah, CDC director in Maine, on Wednesday, saying the percentage of COVID-19 tests is positive. Stated.

The number of 716 new cases on Thursday increased from 614 reported on Wednesday, and the average daily number of cases for 7 days increased to 467. This is more than 20 times higher than the average of 456 new cases per day for the week up to September 16. Prior to this latest surge in early July, 20 new cases were reported per day.

Two additional deaths reported Thursday increased COVID-related deaths in Maine to 1009. Since the first detection of coronavirus in the state in March 2020, the Maine CDC has tracked 85,872 confirmed or estimated cases of viral disease to date.

Hospitalization numbers weren’t yet available Thursday morning, but the state has been moving at a record pace in the last few weeks.

A total of 226 hospitalizations and 88 critical care patients across the state on Wednesday were both the highest in the pandemic. There were also 40 people connected to a ventilator to help breathe.

In terms of vaccination, 73.1% of all eligible Mainers received either the Pfizer vaccine or the Moderna vaccine, or a single-dose vaccine manufactured by Johnson & Johnson. This figure drops to 64.4 percent, including children under the age of 12 who are not yet eligible for vaccination.

According to Shah, the pace of vaccination has increased from about 2,000 people a day two weeks ago to 2,400 daily this week.

Maine has one of the highest immunization rates in the country and one of the lowest COVID-19 cases and mortality rates.

According to the Harvard Global Health Institute, the prevalence of virus in Maine is now much closer to the national average, with 40 cases nationwide, compared to 36 cases per 100,000 inhabitants per day on average. Maine has the second highest infection rate in the northeast after Pennsylvania, with an average of 37 infections per 100,000 people reported in the last seven days.

This story will be updated.

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