New position for COVID-19 support at Jackson County schools coming from the Ministry of Health
Jackson County, Michigan – The Jackson County Health Department employs six health resource advocates to provide front-line COVID-19 support to county school districts.
The addition of four full-time and two part-time positions was unanimously approved by the Jackson County Commission at a meeting on Tuesday, September 21st. Debra Kubitsky, assistant administrator for the county, said the health department would soon work to fill the position.
The health sector has supported school guidance throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, but according to the agenda item, to manage COVID-19’s response in the community and schools while providing regular services. We continue to rely on our current staff.
According to the agenda item, additional staff dedicated to serving the school not only allow the department to take steps to control the virus, but also reduce the burden on the school district to implement health practices. To do.
“They are to help the school and help the students meet in person,” Kubitskey said of the advocates of health resources. “We want to promote face-to-face learning. Children thrive that way.”
The new position will assist the school district in preventive services, provide school-impacting findings related to COVID-19, and train students on COVID-19 and best preventive practices. Advocates will work with each school district to recommend appropriate health strategies for that school district, said Deputy Health Doctor Christine Pulta.
“We still don’t know who needs what and what it looks like,” Pluta said. “It raises more voice about the need for what the school needs.”
Advocates of health resources must work under the supervision of Matthew Bad and follow the COVID-19 guidance established by the Jackson County Health Department, Kubitsky said.
The Ministry of Health has not so far made county-wide recommendations for wearing masks, but advises county school districts to “strongly recommend” wearing masks in the classroom.
Related: Jackson County Schools Remain Mask Option After Health Department Guidance
Health department Encourage residents to vaccinate, Including children over 12 years old. We also recommend a 14-day quarantine with a minimum of 10-day quarantine option as a best practice for students exposed to COVID-19.
New supporter status is paid through the MI Safer Schools: Health Resource Advocates for Sustained In-Person Learning program at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. According to Kubitskey, it is providing $ 672,000 to the health sector.
Wage ranges for full-time and part-time positions range from $ 25.8230 per hour. According to Kubitsky, the position will end on July 31, 2022 when the funds are no longer available unless the funds are renewed.
Those interested in these positions must have a bachelor’s degree in either public health, health education, community health, social work or related disciplines. It also requires two years of professional experience in related fields.
According to Kubitskey, the health department will partner with the school district to assign jobs to schools as soon as they are hired, with no confirmed start date. The open county position is That’s right or County website..
According to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as of September 21, Jackson County has been designated as having a high infection rate. In areas with this infection rate, the CDC encourages residents to return to masking indoors, regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status.
According to CDC data as of September 21, Jackson County has a weekly rate of 225.22 COVID-19, per 100,000 inhabitants.
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