Vampire bats may eat a bite and coordinate with “friends”
New studies show that vampire bats, which form bonds in captivity and continue their “friendship” in the wild, also hunt together, depart independently of the roost, and then meet while eating.
Researchers have attached a small “backpack” computer to 50 vampire bats. Some were previously bred together, while others lived only in the wild, and we tracked movements during nighttime foraging. Bats shared a hollow tree in Panama during the day and drank blood from wounds on cows in a nearby pasture to eat at night.
According to follow-up data, vampire bats began looking for food separately rather than as a group. Bats that have established social relationships will meet again while researchers are looking for what they speculate to be some sort of food adjustment.
The findings suggest that “making friends” with roosts can create more interdependencies among socially linked vampire bats.
“Everything we’ve studied with vampire bats has seen what they’re doing in the roost. What no one really knew so far was these social relationships. Whether it’s doing something outside the roost, “said the co-author of the study. Gerald Carter,Assistant professor Evolution, ecology and biobiology At Ohio State University.
“Understanding the interaction with a completely different group of bats in the meadow helps to understand what is happening within the colony. Each time they leave the roost, they participate in the fight. If so, it can increase the amount of cooperation within the colony. “
Co-author Simon Ripper GarA former postdoctoral researcher in Carter’s lab, he later supplemented the tracking data by capturing video and audio of vampire bats foraging. He observed that bats were gathered in one cow and the other cows were gathered on separate cows. He also created what is likely to be the first audio recording of the vocalizations of certain types of vampire bats associated with foraging.
The study will be published today (September 23, 2021) PLOS Biology..
high tech Proximity sensor Already gave the team an unusual view of how vampire bats are bats Maintained the friendship they formed in captivity When they return to the wild. Over the course of two weeks, a backpack computer placed on 50 wild, once-reared female bats generated data on approximately 400,000 individual meetings. This information was analyzed for this new study.
By tracking the foraging behavior of both groups of bats, researchers were able to use the wild group as a control and at the same time measure whether long prisoners of war interfered with the bat’s hunting ability. It wasn’t.
Carter and Rippergar have considered several methods that vampire bat “friends” may use to look for food. Proximity sensors couldn’t tell exactly where the bats were or what they were doing, but data on foraging encounters and before the bats groomed and shared food between prisoners. Combining the published data, we talked quite convincingly.
“When we looked at the possibilities of different scenarios, we found that they were leaving the roost and looking for food independently of each other, but the ones that were related somehow found each other and cattle pastures. “We’re re-adjusting,” Carter said.
Bats that spent more time roosting during the day spent more time outside at night and encountered each other, foraging more often than bats that showed no signs of social ties. On average, foraging encounters between closely related bats were also long-lasting.
“If you think about it, longer interactions are more likely to be cooperative or affiliated than short encounters that can be neutral or aggressive,” Ripperger said. ..
The recorded vocalizations may ultimately provide other insights into the social behavior of vampire bats. The downward sweep call in the roost and the “buzz” call under discussion were previously documented, but the calls recorded during hunting are different, increasing in frequency and then decreasing. Was there.
“Even if they are alone in the cow, you can see them vocalize and they vocalize back and forth, so you can see that they are interacting while they are feeding. “Rippergar said.
This work is Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute In Panama.
This research was funded by the National Science Foundation, the German Research Foundation, the Smithsonian Academic Research Award Grant, and the National Geographic Society Research Grant.
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