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NEW: COVID-19 cases exceed 1,000 cases.Hospital staffing is still in “alert” status


The following is Complete COVID-19 Report on Wednesday, September 22

Las Vegas (KLAS)- Nevada’s new COVID-19 cases have killed 35 people and exceeded 1,000, according to data released today.

1,053 cases were reported throughout the state, of which 559 were reported in Clark County. Nevada’s total fell to 824 yesterday, falling below 1,000 for the first time in a few weeks.

Nevada reported 35 deaths, 30 from Clark County. Deaths are often reported weeks after the person’s actual death date.

Although state-wide hospitalizations were reduced to 961 again, the Nevada Hospital Association continued to staff “alert” status throughout the state. NHA’s weekly report shows that hospitals in northern Nevada are under pressure.

The test positive rate remained unchanged at 11.1% across the state and 8.6% in Clark County.

Nevada remains a high COVID-19 infection site, and Clark County remains a “region of concern.” Updated White House report.. The county was first labeled as a “persistent hotspot” on July 5th.

Almost all of Nevada is classified as a “highly infected” area. The CDC uses the number of cases per 100,000 over the last 7 days to determine high infection rates.

Every 7 days, 139.9 new cases are reported per 100,000 in Clark County. According to South Nevada Health District..

Breakdown of cases, deaths, and tests

The number of cases in Nevada has increased by 1,053 over the past day and by 559 in Clark County. This is 53% of the total state. The total number of cases in the state is currently 415,424. Clark County has a total of 316,956. It’s important to be careful The state no longer updates the dashboard over the weekend Or a holiday. This may be the reason for the high sum of cases and deaths in the Monday and Tuesday reports.

This data is Current Status — Confirmed Cases tab on the DHHS dashboard

Nevada’s test positive rate is 11.1%, unchanged from yesterday. It fell below the World Health Organization target of 5.0% on May 17, and exceeded it on June 28. Clark County’s rate fell to 8.6%, unchanged from yesterday.

Of the 35 additional COVID-19-related deaths, 30 were from Clark County. Southern Nevada currently accounts for 5,545 of the state’s 6,983 deaths. The 14-day moving average is 14 deaths per day.

As of September 16The Health District reports 137 breakthrough deaths, 425 breakthrough hospitalizations, and 9,080 breakthrough cases.

As of yesterday, a total of 4,301,440 COVID-19 tests were conducted in Nevada, an increase of 11,784 from the weekend.

* Note: Daily lab data from DHHS and SNHD reports The day before..

Nevada Tracking

July 6 was the first time Clark County had been flagged for increased transmission of the disease since March 3. (If the county meets two or three of the above criteria, it will be flagged as having high disease transmission).. In today’s report, Clark remains flagged with the counties of Carson City, Churchill, Douglas, Elko, Esmeralda, Eureka, Humboldt, Lander, Lincoln, Lyon, Minerals, Nai, Persing, Story and Washoe.

Clark County case rates (649 per 100,000 in the last 30 days) and test positive rates (8.6%) are reported in the data reported today. The tests (326 tests per 100,000 per day) are within state tolerance.

Vaccination renewal

State Health Department Report 3,055,330 times Part of the COVID-19 vaccine was administered in Nevada. As of September 22nd.

As of today, more than 54% of the Nevadans currently vaccinated are fully vaccinated, and 64% of the target population has begun vaccination. Clark County reports that 54% of eligible residents are fully vaccinated.

Breakdown of Nevada Hospital

Note: The state has not updated hospitalization data weekend Or holiday..

According to the state Department of Health and Social Welfare (DHHS), The number of inpatients in Nevada under (-25) From yesterday.

The current number of hospitalizations 961 confirmed / suspicious cases.. The hospital reported that 224 of these patients were in the intensive care unit and 140 were on ventilator. To give some perspective, the state set a record high for inpatients with 2,025 cases on December 13.

In Latest report of Nevada hospitalizationThe staffing warning remains state-wide and imposes restrictions on the ability to transport and accept patients.

Most other concerns in the report focus on medical facilities in northern Nevada.

The NHA is focusing on continued pressure on hospitals in northern Nevada and warnings in three categories: COVID patient rate, hospital occupancy, and ICU occupancy.

“In the last few months, the number of manned beds in Washoe County has shrunk from a total of 1,782 beds (August 8, 2021) to 1,320 manned beds (9/21),” the report said. The number of staffed intensive care rooms in Washoe County decreased from 233 (8/8) to 166 (9/21). Local hospitals are also experiencing staff shortages as larger facilities, and travel staffing agencies are nursing. I’m poaching my teacher. A similar problem is felt in the south. “

This data is Current Status — Hospitalization tab on the DHHS dashboard

Recovery Cases in Southern Nevada

The number of people recovering from the virus in southern Nevada continues to grow. The latest county update estimates a total of 300,419 recovered cases. According to this, this is 94.8% of all cases reported in the county. Latest report of SNHD..

Health district Daily map containing the number of positive tests for each zip code in Clark County..

Nevada Mitigation

Nevada Reopened to 100% capacity on June 1st The social distance guidelines have been lifted, helping the state return to most pre-pandemic eras, with a few exceptions.

The CDC reversed the course on July 27, and fully vaccinated Americans in “substantially high” infected areas should wear masks in public as the number of cases of COVID-19 increases. Said. Most of Nevada falls into these two risk categories.

Nevada said it will adopt CDC guidance in its new mask guidelines It took effect on July 30th at 12:01 am.this Disable Clark County Employee Maskman Date, Effective in mid-July.

On August 16, Governor Sisorak signed a new directive This allows participants who have been fully vaccinated at a large rally to remove their masks, but only if the venue requires all attendees to provide proof of vaccination. As with children under the age of 12, people who have not been “completely vaccinated” in a single vaccination can participate, but both must wear a mask.

Masks are required even if required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, regulations, or regulations, including guidance for local businesses and workplaces.

Related item: Previous day’s report





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