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Health professionals warn against the use of acetaminophen-based painkillers during pregnancy


According to a coalition of international public health professionals, pregnant people should be careful about taking acetaminophen. Acetaminophen can alter fetal development.

so Consensus statement released on Thursday In a scientific magazine Nature Review Endocrinology, The group says that acetaminophen is common (included in hundreds of painkillers such as Tylenol, Middle, Nyquile, and some Benadryl products), but there is increasing evidence that it is risky to use during pregnancy. Emphasizes that.

I read the statement that there is an increasing number of “ and epidemiological studies” suggesting that prenatal exposure to acetaminophen may alter fetal development.

Experts in various countries, including the United States, Sweden, Denmark, Brazil and Scotland, warn pregnant women at the onset of pregnancy to refrain from taking acetaminophen unless medically indicated for use. We recommend that you need it.

Women should also consult their doctor or pharmacist if they are not sure whether to use painkillers with this ingredient, the group wrote before long-term use. Shortest time “

External experts also agree that pregnant people need to be aware of possible risks.

“I think it’s important to talk about this … I think it’s because of this widespread perception that the risk of acetaminophen is negligible,” said Taribogler, chair of the Department of Family Medicine and Obstetrics at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto. The doctor said. During an interview with CBC News.

But the news shouldn’t be a “cause of vigilance,” she added.

“I think it should be the source of debate and more awareness about the use of acetaminophen as a drug during pregnancy,” Bogler said.

See | Why some experts warn about the use of acetaminophen during pregnancy:

Studies warn about the risk of overuse of acetaminophen during pregnancy

New studies point to the potential risk of overuse of acetaminophen (the main component of Tylenol and other drugs) during pregnancy, including neurodevelopmental disorders, reproductive disorders, and genitourinary disorders. 1:58

Drugs that have long been considered “minimal risk”

The team behind the treatise said that drugs containing acetaminophen are widely used by pregnant women, and if various international regulatory agencies use them as directed during pregnancy, the product will be “minimal.” He said he has long considered it to be a “risk”.

“Generally, doctors say it’s usually safe to take acetaminophen (Tylenol) for fever and pain.” For example, read advice from BC’s online health portal..

Pregnant women usually use painkillers, including acetaminophen, to treat headaches, muscle pain, back pain, and infectious diseases, but in some cases these painkillers are used to treat high fever and severe pain. , Leave untreated. It can affect a developing foetation or mother.

Pregnant women usually use drugs containing acetaminophen to treat headaches, muscle aches, back pain, and infections. (Brendan Smiarlowski / Getty Images)

Chemicals that disrupt the endocrine system can interfere with certain hormones that are “essential for healthy nerves, genitourinary system, and reproductive development,” the team said.

“We are concerned about the increased incidence of neuropathy, genitourinary and reproductive disorders,” their statement said. “We are witnessing a disturbing increase in the number of children with cognitive, learning, and / or behavioral problems.”

According to the group, the relationship between prenatal exposure and the detrimental consequences of neurodevelopment has been investigated in 29 observational studies involving more than 220,000 mother-child pairs from different parts of the world.

Of these studies, 26 were “positive” for exposure to acetaminophen and various outcomes in children, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and language delay. Identified “relationship”.

However, there is no clear evidence that drugs like Tylenol are actually associated with the development of conditions like autism, said Dr. Modupe Tunde-Byass, an obstetrician and gynecologist and an assistant professor at the University of Toronto. rice field.

She added that medical professionals need to alert pregnant patients without causing “excessive anxiety.”

According to experts, women should also consult their doctor or pharmacist if they are not sure whether to use painkillers with acetaminophen. (Shutterstock)

More research is needed, experts say

Jonathan Zipulsky, a physician and clinical pharmacologist at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center in Toronto, emphasized that the treatise does not require pregnant women to stop using drugs like Tylenol altogether.

“They are looking for more research in the future to clarify the safety of Tylenol during pregnancy,” he said. “In addition, how to use Tylenol in the safest way possible during pregnancy.”

Acetaminophen-based drugs are still less of a concern than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) issued by Health Canada this summer.

In June, the federal government announced that the use of drugs such as acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, and celecoxib could be a rare but serious cause from about 20 weeks of pregnancy onwards. Announced that it has completed a safety review to confirm. Fetal kidney problems.

In some cases, pregnant women may need to resort to low doses of acetaminophen to relieve pain and can consult with their healthcare provider, according to Tunde-Byass.

“My advice at this point is to do something else first,” she said. “Try something else. Exercise, pay attention to your posture, try a warm compress first … If that doesn’t help, consider taking Tylenol.”




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