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Do you have autumn allergies or COVID-19?

Do you have autumn allergies or COVID-19?


Denver (KDVR/Wort) — Autumn is officially here, with seasonal allergies. How can you tell the difference between allergies and COVID-19 from coughing to sneezing to itching in the throat?

The answer may not be as simple as it looks. The easiest way to tell the difference is to get the COVID-19 test.

According to allergist Dr. Flavia Hoyte National Jewish Health, “Most people with allergies know how allergies are felt and when they tend to peak.”

Fever is not allergic, so if you have it, it may be the first sign you may want to be tested for COVID-19. Experts warn that you too may be infected with COVID-19 and have no fever.

“Almost the same” symptoms

As we enter the fall, parents preparing for the common cold and flu threats need to pay attention to cases of COVID-19 and spike RSV in parts of the country.

“It’s very difficult for parents to understand the differences between seasonal allergies, common colds, and potentially COVID viruses and how they affect their children,” said the chief of the East Tennessee Children’s Hospital. Dr. Joe Childs, a medical officer, said. Wort.. “The symptoms between RSV and other viruses are almost the same, even with COVID.”

Dr. Childs states that the number of cases of COVID-19 and RSV remains high. .. People are far away, never travel around the world, and more masks are used, so they protect us from such seasons while protecting ourselves from COVID-19. rice field. “

Now, some people are worried that the changing seasons are due to their snuffs being allergic to autumn or more serious.

“When the autumn pollen season begins, it’s especially the weeds that are currently pollinating. If you’re particularly sensitive, try to stay out as much as possible until after that pollination period,” says Childs.

As a first step in protecting yourself and your child, Childs recommends testing when someone in your immediate family gets sick.

Childs said that keeping a social distance, masking, and washing hands is a best practice to prevent illness, but if you have a cough, “family suffers from respiratory symptoms. The youngest children whenever they are suffering. “

He adds that if you haven’t got the COVID-19 vaccine yet, it’s the best time to do it, but you can wait to get a flu shot. “The protection you want from the flu vaccine is best to wait until it’s time for the flu to arrive here and get that protection.”

Finally, he says, if you feel sick, you should call your GP first. When it comes to allergies, doctors say antihistamines can be very effective. Monoclonal antibody injection It is infected with COVID-19, has a high risk, and is effective for people over 12 years old.

Symptoms of allergies

They are Common symptoms of allergies, according to National Jewish Health:

  • Itchy, watery, and / or red eyes
  • Nasal congestion
  • I have a runny nose
  • Post-nasal drip
  • sneeze
  • Itching of the skin

Allergic symptoms such as stuffy nose and runny nose can also be symptoms of a cold or viral infection such as COVID-19.

Allergies generally do not affect the lungs, but they can cause asthma in people with allergic asthma. According to National Jewish Health, allergies usually do not cause fever or extreme fatigue.

Symptoms of COVID-19

according to World Health OrganizationThe most common symptoms of COVID-19 are:

Other symptoms that are less common and may affect some patients are:

  • Loss of taste and smell,
  • Nasal congestion,
  • Conjunctivitis (also known as red eye)
  • sore throat,
  • headache,
  • Muscle and joint pain,
  • Various types of skin rash,
  • Nausea or vomiting,
  • diarrhea,
  • Chills or dizziness.

Symptoms of a severe COVID-19 infection are:

  • Dyspnea,
  • Decreased appetite,
  • confusion,
  • Persistent chest pain and pressure,
  • High temperature (38 ° C or higher).

Other less common symptoms are:

  • Hypersensitivity,
  • confusion,
  • Decreased consciousness (may be associated with seizures),
  • anxiety,
  • depression,
  • Sleeping disorder,
  • More serious and rare neurological complications such as stroke, brain inflammation, delirium, and nerve damage.

This list does not include all possible symptoms.

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