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North Dakota urges residents to get flu shots for fear of increasing hospital burden

North Dakota urges residents to get flu shots for fear of increasing hospital burden


Governor Doug Burgum urged residents to be vaccinated against the flu to maintain hospital capacity and protect vulnerable people and health care systems.

“We want to make sure that the healthcare system and vaccines are one of the safest and easiest ways to ensure that,” Bergham said at a press conference on Monday. “(Vaccines) are one of the miracles that helped our country, not just the world, achieve something that has never been achieved in human history.”

The coronavirus pandemic put hospitals at stake with the rise of delta variants of the virus. North Dakota hospitals are experiencing staff shortages And there is not enough room. As of Sunday, September 26, there were only 11 staffed ICU beds in the state.

The majority of COVID-19 patients admitted to North Dakota are not vaccinated against the virus.

“It’s important to get vaccinated because influenza cases in addition to COVID cases don’t want to expand the hospital’s capacity,” said Molly Howell, state immunology manager.

According to Howell, there were few cases of influenza last year in North Dakota. This was primarily because mitigation measures to prevent COVID-19, such as wearing masks, closing schools, and increasing social distance, helped curb the spread of influenza.

However, many of these precautions are no longer mandatory, all schools in the state provide face-to-face education, and North Dakota authorities say only cases of COVID-19 when fewer people participate in mitigation efforts. I am concerned that the flu will also be fueled. , Howell added.

Last year, North Dakota had 244 confirmed cases of influenza, which was unusually low compared to the state’s average of 7,000 to 12,000 confirmed cases over the past three years, Howell said.

On average, about 1,344 deaths associated with influenza and pneumonia have been reported in North Dakota, according to Howell.

The North Dakota flu season usually begins in October and peaks in late February. Since August 1, this year, 21 cases of influenza have been confirmed. According to the State Health Department.

Like the COVID-19 vaccine, influenza vaccination is very effective in preventing serious illnesses that can lead to hospitalization and death. Dr. David Field, a family medical doctor at Sanford Health Bismarck, said the vulnerable flu group includes health care workers with weakened immunity over the age of 65.

Field said on Monday that while working over the weekend, he experienced the sacrifice of hospital burdens on health care workers.

“There are a lot of really great people in this state who are doing their best to keep us healthy,” Field said. “It’s very helpful to us not to be hospitalized by one person. We really want to help everyone in our state, but we’re very tired after a year and a half of this year’s COVID.”

People may receive COVID-19 and the flu vaccine at the same time. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However, if you are COVID-19 positive, do not vaccinate against influenza. You should also quarantine for 10 days before looking for a flu vaccine.

The annual flu vaccine is recommended for everyone over 6 months.

In North Dakota, you can find more information about influenza vaccines at the following URL: Find a provider at

Readers can contact Michel Griffith ([email protected]), a member of the US Corps, a forum reporter.




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