Public officials say that 600,000 people are currently targeted by Pfizer boosters and are “safe, effective, and free.”
The Baker administration called the booster “safe, effective, and free” on Friday and said shots would be available “following the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” CDC had Set booster guidelines Early on the same day.
“The Baker Polito administration has been working to give qualified residents access to the Pfizer booster vaccine in hundreds of locations throughout the federation. Asked if getting boosters is right for them. If you have one, we recommend contacting your health care provider, “said the Secretary of Health and Welfare, Marilow Sadders, in a statement.
According to the statement, some reservations are available immediately and more are planned in the coming days.
In addition to working with pharmacies, the state has finalized plans with other health care providers, including local collaborators, local health care committees, and mobile providers. “These sites are scheduled to open in October,” the statement said. The state expects to be capable of managing more than 300,000 Pfizer COVID-19 booster shots per week by mid-October.
“All Massachusetts care facilities, including two soldiers’ homes, were prioritized for Pfizer’s booster shots,” the statement said. The plan requires residents and staff to receive boosters on-site, the statement said.
Public Health Service The website provides answers to frequently asked questions about boosters. And we have developed an interactive tool to help you understand if you need to get a booster. It’s here:
(Note: This Google Form will automatically display your email address if you are logged in to your Google account, but the form will not record your email address. Gloves will not be able to access it either.)
“The COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective, and vaccination remains the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones,” Saders said in a statement.
CVS said in Friday statement Please note that boosters are available at “some” stores and that CVS pharmacies offer only one of the three major vaccines at each store. A spokeswoman said 158 Massachusetts stores offer Pfizer shots.Walgreens too Friday said It will offer boosters in stores nationwide.
Exactly who is eligible?
CDC To tell The next people should do it You will receive a booster shot 6 months after receiving your first dose of Pfizer.
— People over 65 and those who live in long-term care facilities.
— 50-64 people with underlying medical conditions who are more likely to become ill. The following is a list of CDCs for these conditions. here..
CDC also says the following people May Take a booster shot 6 months after receiving your first dose of Pfizer.
— People between the ages of 18 and 49 with underlying illness “based on individual interests and risks”.
— 18-64 people at high risk of COVID-19 exposure and infection due to “professional or institutional setting based on personal interests and risks”. No professional or institutional setting was specified in the statement. But federal officials on Friday said it would include health workers, teachers, grocery workers, and people living in homeless shelters and prisons. A CDC spokeswoman also pointed out last week Material discussed At the CDC Advisory Board, which made a wide range of proposals Key worker It becomes a target.
Kizmekia S. Corbett, who joined Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health this year and was previously a federal researcher in the development of the Modana vaccine, also posted this flowchart on Twitter to help people make it. Their booster decision.
Fully vaccinated Massachusetts residents “must receive a COVID-19 booster shot if they are eligible and the vaccine is approved by the CDC,” the Baker administration statement said.
Massachusetts is the national leader in vaccination. Federal officials approved the booster after raising concerns that protection from the original series of shots might have been weakened.
Boosters are licensed to Pfizer recipients, but boosters are not yet recommended for recipients of Modana’s double dose vaccine or Johnson & Johnson’s single dose vaccine. Obtaining a Pfizer booster after another original vaccine is also not recommended, but “mixing and matching” is being studied.Friday President Biden Encourage recipients of these two vaccines to be patient..
This report used material from a previous Globe Story.
Martin Finne Cane can be reached at [email protected]..Daigo Fujiwara can be reached at [email protected].. Follow him on Twitter @DaigoFuji..
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