TikTok influential people urged to help promote Covid vaccine intake among children, as only half want jabs
Tik Tok influencer According to scientists, social media companies need to do more to convince people over the age of 12 to be vaccinated.
The call came in because the investigation revealed that only half of the 13-year-olds were happy. Covid-19 vaccination.
Researchers at Oxford University, University College London (UCL), and Cambridge University have investigated the reactions of more than 27,000 students aged 9 to 18 in the UK, and only half are willing to have a coronavirus jab. And 37% was undecided. 13% wanted to opt out.
Over one-third (36%) of 9-year-olds are willing to carry the vaccine, compared to 51% of 13-year-olds and 78% of 17-year-olds.
According to researchers, young people who are less motivated to take vaccines often come from the most socio-economically disadvantaged background and feel less connected to the school community.
The findings were obtained just weeks after the Chief Medical Officer in the United Kingdom recommended a single dose of Physer to all people between the ages of 12 and 15. Deployment will begin in England, Scotland and Wales, with vaccinations expected to begin in October in Northern Ireland.
According to a study conducted at schools in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Mercyside from May to July this year, young people who believe they already have Covid-19 can opt out of vaccination. You can see that the sex is high.
Studies have shown that students who are more hesitant to get a jab are also more likely to spend more time on social media, attending schools in disadvantaged areas, and not equating with the school community.
Researchers are calling for more resources and information to provide to communities and students who are not naturally connected to the school so that young people can feel that the Covid-19 vaccine is safe. They said health messages about the safety of vaccines and their effects on children should be shared by trusted sources on social media.
Dr. Mina Fazel, a professor at the Association of Pediatric and Youth Psychiatry at Oxford University, said: Perhaps the participation of celebrities may be the route they listen to more.
“I’m also very interested in how to use TikTok. We open the door to all kinds of influencers (major influencers, minor influencers). These influencers are there to provide information in the media. I would like to know more about these findings. “
Sir Andrew Polard, director of the Oxford Vaccine Group, said: Make sure they have access to the information. And, of course, they don’t access their information by reading newspapers or watching broadcast news. Many are through social media. There are some things to do to improve it. “
According to a survey, the majority of young people who are hesitant to get a vaccine have not yet been determined.
Russell Weiner, UCL’s professor of child and adolescent health, said: Young people are potentially vulnerable to those who push for views that are very strongly opposed to vaccination. “
Vaccinations could be offered to young people in a variety of different locations, not just schools, to improve uptake among students, the researchers said.
Professor Weiner said: School-based vaccination programs planned in the United Kingdom are one way to help reduce these health disparities. However, teens who have the least involvement with the school community may need additional support to achieve the highest uptake levels.
“Scotland provides young people with the ability to stop at any vaccination center. I think this kind of policy, in line with school policy, is the best way to offer choices to all young people.”
Last week, new Skills Minister Alex Burghart said teachers are facing a “disgusting” level. Threats from anti-vaxxers over school jabs.. He told MP that “ridiculous” lies were being disseminated by several groups of online protesters outside the school.
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