1000 pets vaccinated for World Rabies Day after Khayelitsha outbreak
Cape Town – Given the prevalence of rabies-infected dogs in the region, Khayelitsha’s Mdzananda Animal Clinic has 1,000 dogs a day to raise awareness and share information on rabies prevention. I want to get vaccinated.
World Rabies Day was observed worldwide on Tuesday and is marked on the death date of Louis Pasteur in 1895, which helped develop a vaccine against the disease.
The rebellion of rabies-infected dogs in the area has been a boiling problem since a case of rabies was confirmed by a veterinary service of the Ministry of Agriculture last month.
Heidi May, general manager of Mdzananda Animal Clinic, said it was more important than ever to vaccinate dogs that may have been infected with rabies in the area, given the cases that occurred in the area. ..
“Vaccination of dogs for rabies is essential, and now even more so, as the case presented in Khayelitsha. Symptoms include fever, dysphagia, excessive drooling, staggering, seizures, There is no special cure for rabies, but it is almost always fatal when symptoms appear, so the vaccine can always prevent the infection, “she said.
To counter this surge, the clinic will hold a mass vaccination day on Saturday, October 2, allowing local pets to be vaccinated. However, the clinic requires the general public to sponsor R50 dogs, which covers the cost of vaccinations, needles, syringes and gloves. Each pet is also vaccinated against other deadly diseases such as parvovirus, distemper, parainfluenza, and adenovirus.
According to global data, rabies kills at least one person every nine minutes, killing more than 70,000 people each year from the virus, and according to the World Organization for Animal Health, Africa and Asia are 95 of these deaths. Occupies%.
SPCA spokesman Belinda Abraham said the disease is transmitted primarily by bites, but prevention of rabies begins with the owner’s responsibility to vaccinate the pet.
“Rabies is a viral zoonotic disease (animal-to-human transmission) that causes progressive and deadly inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. The disease is transmitted primarily through bites, but is transmitted. Exposure can also be caused by damage to the skin or contamination of the mucous membranes by animal saliva.
“Rabies prevention begins with the owner of the animal. It protects pets from catastrophic and life-threatening illnesses, boosts their immunity to certain illnesses, and prevents pets from infecting humans with rabies-like illnesses. Vaccination is required to prevent it.
“Pets must be vaccinated against rabies at 12 weeks of age, 9 months after 12 weeks of vaccination, and every 3 years thereafter. By ensuring that your animal is vaccinated. Protect yourself, your pets, and your community. Show livestock behavior that deviates from their character, wild animals that appear to be tame, or wild animals that do not escape from you. If you are, be vigilant and avoid livestock. If you are bitten, wash your bite with soap and water and see a doctor immediately. If your pet is bitten, consult a vaccination immediately. Please, “says Abraham.
Toco Didisa, Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, said in a statement that the country is commemorating the 15th World Rabies Day, but the government will eliminate dog-borne rabies deaths by 2030. He said he was devoted to doing.
“Vaccination of dogs and cats against rabies is required by law. To protect our community from this disease, all pet owners vaccinate dogs and cats in all walks of life. It is very important to receive.
“South Africa is working on a global” Zero Buy 30 “drive. The goal is to eliminate human deaths from dog-borne rabies by 2030. This can be achieved by properly immunizing a population of dogs (and cats) and providing treatment to humans exposed to rabies, “said Didiza. ..
Argus on the weekend
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