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What you need to know about COVID-19 in Ottawa on Tuesday, September 28th


Recent development:

What’s the latest news?

Reported by Ottawa Public Health (OPH) 16 new COVID-19 cases Tuesday And there is no new death. The Outaouais and Belleville regions reported about the same number of cases.

Leeds, Glenville and Lanark counties announced on Tuesday that 90% of their population was fully vaccinated, saying they were the first in the state to be vaccinated.

Public health experts in eastern Ontario say better than expected vaccination rates Much of the region helps avoid the worst scenarios Layoutd by state COVID-19 modeling earlier this month, there is one notable exception in Cornwall.

Speaking of those models, update the models Expected to Ontario this afternoon..Before that, the Minister of Health of Quebec Part of the 1:00 pm vaccine update..

See | What’s New in Quebec Vaccines:

Quebec offers COVID-19 update

Health Minister Christian Dubé and state health officials will provide up-to-date information on Quebec’s vaccination campaign. 0:00

How many cases do you have?

Total for Ottawa as of Tuesday 29,734 confirmed cases of COVID-19.. There are 412 known active cases, 28,727 cases believed to have been resolved, and 595 people who died of the disease.

Public health officials have reported more than 54,600 COVID-19 cases in eastern Ontario and western Quebec, of which more than 52,500 have been resolved.

Elsewhere in eastern Ontario, 202 people with COVID-19 have died. In western Quebec, the death toll is 220.

Akwesasne More than 880 residents have tested positive for COVID-19, 50 of whom are active and 10 have died between the north and the south.

Kitigan Zabi There were 34 cases and 1 death. Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory 14 people died and 1 died. Pikuwa Kanagan There was nothing.

CBC Ottawa is profiling The person who died in COVID-19..If you want to share The story of your loved one, please contact..

What are the rules?

Eastern Ontario:

Ontario Step 3 of the resumption plan Stay there In the near future.. Its vaccine passport system It is installed.

A typical meeting limit is 25 inside and 100 outside.Those limits are Even higher for organized events..

Persons over 12 years old must show photo ID Paper or PDF version of vaccine receipt Probably in late October until the app is ready. There is a medical exemption.

Other groups will come out Unique COVID-19 vaccine policy..

The capacity of the indoor dining room is based on distance.Gym, cinema And museum It can reach 50% capacity internally.

Ontario New Semester Rules Forgive Extracurricular activities, And the mask remain mandatory, Vaccines are not..Board of education Can exceed These rules.

West Quebec

Under that Green zone rules, 10 people are allowed to gather in a private residence and 20 people are allowed to gather outdoors. This increases to 50 people when playing sports. Organized events can be much larger.

School rules in this state Include masks in student classes, but not classroom bubbles.

Vaccine passport It is installed in spaces such as public events, bars, restaurants and gyms for people over the age of 13.

Quebec can use the app and present paper evidence. People from outside the state You need to show paper proof. Everyone must show their ID.

As in Ontario, there is a medical exemption.

See | Historical Consideration of Public Health Regulations:

Vaccines, seat belts, smoking cessation: see how public health measures provoke a strong public reaction

When it became mandatory to wear a seatbelt, there was a backlash from the public. Similarly, when the Smoking Law came into force, restaurants and other indoor public facilities had to change policy. CBC’s Talia Ricci reports on the public reaction seen with the introduction of the new COVID-19 regulation. 4:10

what can I do?

COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) Spreads mainly through droplets that Can hang in the air..

People can be transmitted without symptoms, Even after vaccination..Variant of concern More contagious When Established..

this means It is important to take precautions now and in the future, Staying home when sick — Get cost support as needed — Keep your hands and surface clean, even when wearing a mask, and stay away from people you don’t live with.

Mask, preferably Fits snugly Have 3 layers, that is Required in indoor public places Ontario And Quebec Recommended in crowded outdoor areas.

During the COVID-19 pandemic this summer, the two will climb the painted stairs in Ottawa. (Sean Kilpatrick / Canadian Press)

vaccination Suppress the spread All variants of COVID-19 To avoid death and hospitalization, Without it Provides complete protection..

There is federal guidance What vaccinated people can do In various situations.

Fully vaccinated, tested and pre-approved people You can come to Canada.

The US border will remain closed to Canadians until at least October 21st. And as of early November, the United States will require all foreigners flying into the country to be fully vaccinated.

Health Canada recommends that elderly people and people with underlying illnesses help with their errands.

Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms should be quarantined, as well as anyone ordered by the public health department to do so.The length of self-isolation varies with Quebec When Ontario..


4 COVID-19 vaccines Considered safe and approved In canada Currently sold by brand name instead of manufacturer name.. Two are approved for young people Youth of 12 years old.

Canadian Vaccine Task Force Says People You can wait up to 16 weeks between the first and second doses..Due to factors, the state supplies More infectious delta variant..

That same task force says Mixing the first and second doses is safe and effective..

Ontario When Quebec We are giving a third dose to a specific group.

Over 3.4 million COVID-19 vaccines have been administered throughout the Ottawa-Gatineau region, with approximately 2.3 million inhabitants, including the first, second and third doses.

Eastern Ontario

Ontario Vaccination of people over 12 years old in 2021..People can Find local appointments open online Or call 1-833-943-3900.

Community health units are flexible In larger frameworks, including around reservations, Check out their website For more information.

They provide a standby list and walk-in dose with urgent notifications as follows Campaign shift From the mask clinic In a mobile clinic to fill the vaccination rate gap.

Third shot Details vary by health unit..

Pharmacies continue to provide vaccines Through our own reservation system, As some family doctors do.

West Quebec

12 years old and over You can make a reservation Online or by phone Or visit one of the states Permanent and mobile walk-in clinic..

Some times and locations will change in late September.

Symptoms and tests

COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) From illness like a cold Fever, cough, Runny nose, headache, Vomiting and loss of taste Or smell..

Children are prone to nausea and rashes on the stomach.

If you have severe symptoms, call 911.

Mental health Pandemic impact, When Useful resources are available..

Eastern Ontario:

Anyone seeking a test should make a reservation.Check Your health unit Clinic location and time.

On June 2, 2021, a mural commemorating the murdered transgender woman can be seen next to the McNab Recreation Center. Ottawa’s temporary COVID-19 test site at the center will remain open until at least October 6. (Trevor Pritchard / CBC)

In Ontario, we recommend that you take the test only if: Meet specific criteria, Symptoms, exposure, or have a specific job.

People who are asymptomatic but are part of the state’s targeted testing strategy Can be booked at some pharmacies.. Rapid test Now available in several places Including some schools..

According to the Ottawa Test Task Force, asymptomatic, unvaccinated people will not be able to take the tests required to work, study on college campuses, or attend public events. At that clinic.. They need to find a pharmacy or laboratory that offers it.

Travelers in need of testing There are several local options for paying one.

Western Quebec:

Testing is highly recommended for people with symptoms and their contacts.

People can Reserve When Check the waiting time online.A few Walk-in test It is available.

If you have any questions, such as if a walk-in test is available nearby, please call 1-877-644-4545.

For symptomatic students, a rapid COVID-19 test is available at elementary schools in the Outaouais area.

Indigenous people, Inuit, Metis:

Indigenous peoples, Inuit, Metis people, or anyone traveling to work in a remote indigenous community are eligible to take the exam in Ontario.

Akwesasne COVID-19 Test and Vaccine ClinicInformation is provided online or at 613-575-2341.

Kitigan Zibi people can call the Health Center 819-449-5593 for tests or vaccines. Email is another option For vaccine reservation.

Tests are available at Pik wà kana gàn By calling 613-625-1175 and the vaccine, 613-625-2259 ext. 225 or on mail..Everyone Thai Endinaga Those interested in the test can call 613-967-3603 and should see the website of the dedicated vaccine clinic.

Ottawa Inuit Akausivik Inuit Family Health Team For services including testing and vaccines in Inuktitut or weekday English, call 613-740-0999.

For more information




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