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New evidence warns experts that coronavirus wearing face masks can enter the brain and pose more health risks


Dr. Russell BraylockFace mask, a retired US neurosurgeon and author, warns that you cannot be fully protected from getting sick and catching pathogens. He added that it could pose a serious health risk to the wearer. He stressed that only sick people should wear face masks.

Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, people all over the world have wore face masks, face shields, gloves and other protective equipment. Wearing gloves in public places such as grocery stores was formerly “useless” or in some cases harmful.

Are face masks effective against COVID-19?

of Cleveland clinic Gloves say they don’t provide immunity from the virus and don’t allow access to everything within reach. In addition, bacteria that come in contact with gloves can migrate to all other surfaces that they touch.

Now, even face masks face the same criticism as Dr. Braylock says that exhaled viruses do not give them a chance to escape if they wear them. The virus also concentrates in the nasal cavity and circulates, and may eventually enter the brain, he says.

According to Dr. Braylock, no studies have been done to prove that either cloth masks or N95 masks affect coronavirus transmission. The Disease Control and Prevention Committee has recently changed guidelines for wearing face masks.

Previously they advised sick people to wear protective masks, but now some people Asymptomatic carrier Of the virus. For CDC Guidelines for wearing cloth masks Slows the spread of coronaviruses.

Also read: Face mask that glows when it detects coronavirus: a viable alternative to antibody testing and temperature checking

Since it has been established that there is no scientific evidence requiring the use of face masks as a preventive measure, several studies have investigated the dangers of wearing face masks, especially over the long term.

These risks include increased airway resistance, carbon dioxide accumulation, hypoxia or inadequate oxygen supply, headaches, and other life-threatening complications.

so Investigation Using N-95 masks in health care workers, as performed at the National Taiwan University Hospital, results in hypoxemia with low oxygen levels in the blood and hypercapnia, which is an increase in carbon dioxide levels in the blood. It is known to experience illness. ..

In another study, Headaches in healthcare workers Use the same protective mask. Similarly, pregnant women wearing N-95 masks have also been found to have dyspnea associated with mask use.

The researchers suggest that the benefits of using N95 masks to prevent contraction of infections should be weighed against possible respiratory effects associated with long-term use of N95 masks.

It becomes even more frightening as new evidence reveals Coronavirus may enter the brain In some cases. By wearing a mask, the virus released during exhalation does not give the opportunity to escape and collects in the nasal cavity. This causes the virus to enter the olfactory nerves, move further, and eventually reach the brain.

Dr. Braylock points out that research may end up being a wise choice, he said, should not attack or criticize healthy people who don’t wear masks. is.

Also read: 90% reduction in coronavirus cases in Austria after calling for face masks

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