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There are four times as many Covid cases among Northamptonshire students, but the director of health says the virus has not spread throughout the school.


Health directors claim that Covid-19 has not spread within schools in Northamptonshire after the case rate has more than quadrupled among students.

According to government data, the weekly rate of new positive tests for Kettering between the ages of 10 and 14 has skyrocketed from 667 to 5,903 per 100,000 since the beginning of the semester.

The proportion of people aged 15 to 19 is currently 3,203 per 100,000.

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Nonetheless, the county’s director of public health, Lucy Wightman, said the virus was transmitted and vaccinated primarily by mixed households outside of school, regularly tested for lateral flow, and hands. Remember, he begs everyone to face the space mantra.

Mrs. Wightman said: “Our school is doing its best and maintaining good practices.

“This is a community communication because there is a mix of more households.”

Kettering currently shows the highest new positive test rate in England, but there is a sharp rise in the Northampton and Daventry regions.

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Covid cases are skyrocketing among the county’s school-age population

Experts dispose of foam and argue that the need for face masks this season is not a contributor, but cases among school-aged children are fueling the rise.

Throughout the pandemic, analysts used a formula that compares different regions and age groups, assuming there are 100,000 people in each cohort.

According to official Kettering statistics, the proportion of people aged 10 to 14 on September 1 was 667 per 100,000. It had risen slightly to 1,082 per 100,000 by September 8th and to 5,384 by September 23rd.

At the same time, the percentage of adults of working age between the ages of 20 and 24 half From 481 to 231 per 100,000.

Wightman told the newspaper:

“As expected, the Kettering School case reflects a surge in cases within the community.

“The high prevalence of school-age children was confirmed primarily by reintroducing regular lateral flow tests to secondary school-aged students, most of whom are now vaccinated. I have not received it.

“We need to make sure that people are aware of everything that keeps transmissions low, especially when the weather changes and they return indoors.

“There are still important and very simple actions that Northamptonshire Kettering residents and others can play their role in stopping future infections of Covid-19.

“Wear a face cover in a crowded area and wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds. Also, if you qualify, as vaccination is the number one factor in reducing the risk of death or serious illness. Get an offer for vaccination, second vaccination, or booster vaccination, from Covid-19. “

According to the latest data from the Northamptonshire Public Health Service, the education sector on September 21 had an average of 190 cases per week across the county, more than double that of seven days ago and more than 4.5 times that of September 1.

Some principals are telling students to wear face masks again while parents at other schools claim that hand sanitizers have been removed because they are no longer part of government guidance.

As the jab continues to unfold, the first vaccinations between the ages of 12 and 15 will take place at school this week.

Using daily government data released yesterday (September 28), the overall weekly case rate per 100,000 people in all regions of the county is: Daventry 616.6; East Northamptonshire 425.3; Kettering 997.3; Northern Northampton 556.1; South Northampton 401.1; Wellingborough 485.5.




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