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7 things to tell people who have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer


It may seem scary to get a new breast cancer diagnosis, but you’re not alone.

When you are diagnosed with breast cancer, you may feel that the whole world has been upset. As your vision for your future has collapsed. Processing news may also take some time.

You may also feel isolated to get a diagnosis when no one around you seems to understand what you are experiencing.But as you face many unknowns Breast cancer diagnosisIt is important to remember that you are not alone.

About 13 percent Women in the United States (or one in eight) are diagnosed with invasive breast cancer at some point in their lives.

Not surprisingly, just hearing that many others are in your position may not make you feel very good. But finding a community of people who understand what you are experiencing can have an incredible impact.

By connecting with others who live with breast cancer, you are less likely to feel lonely.

Members of BC health line The community understands what it’s like to face a new breast cancer diagnosis because they were there too. Seven community members shared what to say to people who have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer.

“When I’m at the doctor, I sometimes forget what I want to ask and don’t understand the explanation. Sometimes I record a session or write down the questions I want to answer in advance.

It’s helpful to take someone near you to an appointment to help you ask questions and take notes.

Be sure to ask for details and do not exclude anything. Please take the time for each schedule. Soon you will be your own best defender. — Connie

“By proceeding with all the tests and surgery, I thought I could put my cancer on track faster and live my life.

To get more feedback, I should have probably slowed down and asked how long I had to make a decision. After the treatment was over, I should have asked how my life would be different. — BSJ

“Breast cancer can hurt your self-esteem. My advice is to try to make you feel better during treatment. Make up, apply nails, and wear your favorite shirt. You can do something that makes you feel good.

There were many ugly days when I looked in the mirror, but the next day I wore cute things such as flashy earrings and became happy and noticed by others.

They didn’t know what was happening under or inside … they liked earrings as much as I did. —A.Huggins

“The beginning right after the diagnosis is the worst. The more information and plans you have, the easier it will start to feel.

It’s not the journey of choice for all of us, but it’s amazing to know how many people have walked in your shoes. So many people contacted me and let me know that they also experienced it.

The more you learn, the more you are ready for battle. stay strong. “— gma25

My advice for anyone facing a breast cancer diagnosis is to find a breast cancer treatment center that offers all the care.

I had endometrial cancer and breast cancer at the same time, but my care is very broken. I had four different patient portals and had no way of connecting the dots. There was no support between treatments and no one answered the question. It was very rewarding. Let’s ask about the nurse navigator.

It is interesting how much you can learn from the knowledge and experience of others. BC health line When you feel you have no idea what’s going on, you often give directions. — Jules 10

“I was diagnosed with breast cancer in February of this year. I Had As for my annual mammogram, the mammogram did not pick up any lumps. I didn’t feel any lumps.

My breasts began to change physically, but no one “wants to go looking for” cancer, so I ignored it. I thought it was a hormonal change, or, as my obstetrician and gynecologist said, “it could be from weight gain.”

My advice all Woman: Get a mammogram please Be proactive in your own health. If you find that something doesn’t look right, investigate. — Kim115

“Most of us are blind when diagnosed. Understanding what questions to ask may seem like asking questions in calculus, but you don’t learn algebra, so to speak.

But I think it’s important to know that diagnosing breast cancer is more like a marathon than a sprint. The parts are very difficult and the parts are very easy. It depends on each of us. The amount of information does not completely change it.

I believe that whatever your journey is on this undesired path, it’s all feasible and our life is our greatest reward for traveling here. Listen to a small voice when you need to make a decision. It is honest and guides your own special path. — Ellen Hunter

Navigate New diagnosis Breast cancer can be scary. It can uproot you, confuse you, overwhelm you, and even make you angry.

It is important to know that any emotion you feel is perfectly valid. It is also important to remember that you do not have to face these emotions alone.

NS BC health line The community is here to support you at every stage of navigating your life with breast cancer. Whether you have questions about treatments, tests, side effects, or how to talk to your boss about diagnosis, the community is here for you.

Elinor Hills is the editor of Healthline. She is passionate about the intersection of emotional well-being and physical health, and how individuals form connections through shared medical experiences. Outside of work, she enjoys yoga, photography, drawing and spends a lot of time running.




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