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The new Manitoba COVID-19 Health Order targets unvaccinated Southern Health Districts-Winnipeg


Manitoba has a tougher introduction COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) Public health orders for people who are vaccinated but have not yet been vaccinated, and for areas of the state where vaccination is low.

A new order, which will come into effect on Tuesday, October 5, will move the entire state of Manitoba from yellow to orange in the state’s pandemic response system or limit it, requiring health officials to implement a new patient protocol in anticipation of upcoming tensions. Will be. At the hospital.

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COVID-19: Increasing cases in southern Manitoba as the state moves to the fourth wave

“Increasing number of cases and COVID-19 infections in the state mean that new measures need to be introduced now to reduce the impact of the fourth wave of COVID-19,” said the Minister of Health and Senior Care. Audrey Gordon said.

“We need to be proactive in protecting the healthcare system and have access to hospital beds to continue to provide care to patients in need.

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Experts say there is more work to be done to curb the spread of Southern Health COVID-19

Experts say there is more work to be done to curb the spread of Southern Health COVID-19

Under the new rules, indoor household gatherings will be limited to guests from one other household if there are unvaccinated people on the premises to be shot.

Households are limited to 10 people outdoors if there are qualified unvaccinated people.

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Manitoba reports 114 new COVID-19 cases, the highest number from the southern health district

Weddings and funerals have a one-week grace period, but indoor public gatherings, including qualified but unvaccinated people, are limited to a capacity of 25 or 25 percent.

Throughout the state, outdoor public gatherings are limited to 500 to 50 people.

However, large gated events that require vaccination certification, such as Winnipeg Blue Bomber games and concerts, are allowed to proceed as planned, officials said.

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Indoor faith-based rallies that decide to include qualified but unvaccinated people will be limited to a capacity of 25 or 33 percent under the new order.

And finally, in southern health areas where vaccination rates are lower than in other parts of the state, the order confirms that retail capacity is reduced to 50%.

Dr. Brent Russan, Chief Public Health Officer, said most orders do not affect the majority of Manitoba because they are vaccinated.

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Manitoba’s prime minister calls vaccine hesitation a multifaceted challenge

He warned that future changes may include requiring vaccinated people to provide evidence of vaccination to participate in indoor recreational activities.

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The move announced on Friday is needed to protect health care capabilities as the state moves to the fourth wave of the pandemic, Roussin added.

He said hospitalizations for COVID-19 surged 26% last week and virus-related hospitalizations increased 17% in the ICU.

Southern Health Area in Manitoba.

Manitoba Health / Handout

As an additional effort to protect the capacity of the ICU, health officials announced a new patient protocol on Friday. This may allow patients with poor vision to move to facilities in other parts of the state where bed space is available.

“Patients admitted to a hospital or medical facility for treatment may be transferred to the most appropriate facility in Manitoba, where individual treatment requirements are evaluated and competent to meet their needs,” said the state. The announcement is explained.

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Mayor Winkler says the punitive approach to vaccine opponents isn’t working

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“This may mean that patients are medically transferred to another Manitoba facility outside their home community for free, including patients who live in Winnipeg.”

According to state data, unvaccinated Wednesday Manitovan accounts for 75% of new COVID-19 cases, 79% of inpatients, and 100% of intensive care unit (ICU) admissions.

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Police Officer Winkler makes a call for anger on both sides of the vaccine controversy

Police Officer Winkler Calls for Anger on Both Sides of Vaccine Controversy – September 16, 2021

Roussin estimates that approximately 400,000 Manitoba people are currently unvaccinated, including those under the age of 12 who are not yet qualified.

Finally, 84.9% of eligible Manitoba vaccinations were vaccinated once and 80.4% were vaccinated twice. A local site that tracks vaccination efforts..

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COVID-19: Manitoba begins testing unvaccinated state personnel October 18

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However, the site shows that the rate is much lower in some parts of the southern health district. For example, vaccine intake is 41.3 percent in Winkler and less than 25 percent in RM around Stanley.

Earlier this week, health officials said the Southern Health Area contributed to nearly half of Manitoba’s new area. COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) The incident, despite accounting for only 15 percent of the state’s total population.

“It makes your neighbor fight your neighbor.”

Mayor Winkler said the new rules were disruptive and ineffective.

“It makes neighbors fight and people are angry with them. It’s completely unhealthy,” Martin Harder said.

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Different Manitoba COVID-19 vaccination cards cause confusion outside the state

“I think positive information from the right sources dealing with the issue of viral risk will do much more than punish.”

The nearby mayor of Morden, whose vaccination rate is close to 70%, expressed another view and called for stricter enforcement.

Click to play video:'Long line reported on Manitoba COVID-19 test site'

Long line reported at Manitoba COVID-19 test site

Long line reported at Manitoba COVID-19 test site

“If (the state) intends to issue a public health order, we need an enforcement force,” Brandon Burley said.

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“(And) significantly disregarding public health and public health stories and abusing public health authorities, states need to determine that they are doing nothing or doing something. I have.”

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Can I still get the COVID-19 vaccine in Manitoba?Reservation method and destination

When asked about plans to see how the state would enforce the new rules and who would attend house parties and Thanksgiving suppers, Gordon said the government would work with local governments.

She also said that more people want to get their shots than risk facing fines.

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COVID-19 cases increased in southern health areas

COVID-19 cases increased in southern health areas

“I hope Manitoba understands the urgency of being vaccinated and doing the right thing, and they themselves say,’We will respect and comply with those restrictions.’ “She said.

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Gordon also pointed out a local hint line that people can call to report a rule violator.

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Manitoba reports 78 new COVID-19 cases with no deaths

Manitoba reported 78 new cases of COVID-19 on Friday, with a maximum of 31 cases from the Southern Health Area.

Health officials said 61 of the recent cases had not been completely vaccinated.

– Use files from the Canadian press

Do you have any questions about COVID-19? There are some things you need to know.

Symptoms You may have a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing. Very similar to a cold or flu. Some people can develop more serious illnesses. The risk for this is highest in the elderly and in people with severe chronic medical conditions such as heart, lung, and kidney disease. If you have symptoms, Contact public health authorities..

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NS Prevent the spread of the virus, Experts recommend frequent hand washing and coughing on your sleeves. It’s also a good idea to minimize contact with others, stay at home as much as possible, and stay 2 meters away from others when you’re out. In situations where it is not possible to keep a safe distance from others, public health officials recommend the use of non-medical face masks or covers to prevent the spread of respiratory droplets that may carry the virus. .. Masks or face covers are required in indoor public spaces in some states and municipalities across the country.

For full COVID-19 coverage from Global News, Please see the coronavirus page..

© 2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.





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